
If I place the index on the first page, and this is longer than one page, this continues on the second and overlaps the text on the second page.

For problems of layout are costratto to keep it on the first page and not the last.

the html page is:
<page backtop="14mm" backbottom="14mm" backleft="10mm" backright="10mm" style="font-size: 12pt"> <page_header> ... </page_header> <page_footer> ... </page_footer> <bookmark title="Sommaire" level="0" ></bookmark> </page> <page pageset="old"> <bookmark title="Chapitre 1" level="0" ></bookmark><h1>Chapitre 1</h1> ... </page> ... <page pageset="old"> <bookmark title="Chapitre 99" level="99" ></bookmark><h1>Chapitre 1</h1> ... </page>

and the code for generating pdf is
$html2pdf->createIndex('Sommaire', 25, 15, false, true, 1);



I enclose result of processing

tromb Fichier joint : bookmark.pdf