deleted2Le 21/10/2010 à 01:03

'cré vince grin

Tiens, si vous vous faites suer au boulot, je suis preneur de tout conseil pour ce qui n'irait pas (sauf niveau parenthèses, je vais m'y perdre tongue)
static inline bool IsIdentifierStart (const int ch) { return (ch < 0x80) && (isalpha(ch) || (ch == '_') || (ch == '\')); } static inline bool IsIdentifierChar (const int ch) { return (ch < 0x80) && (isalnum(ch) || (ch == '_') || (ch == '@') || (ch == ':') || (ch == '.') || (ch == '\')); } static inline bool IsLabelStart (const int ch) { return (ch < 0x80) && (isalpha(ch) || (ch == '_') || (ch == '\')); } static inline int IsOperator (const int ch1, const int ch2) { if (ch1 < 0x80) { if ((ch1 == '+') || (ch1 == '-') || (ch1 == '*') || (ch1 == '/') || (ch1 == '#') || (ch1 == '(') || (ch1 == ')') || (ch1 == '~') || (ch1 == '&') || (ch1 == '|')) return 1; else if ((ch2 < 0x80) && (ch1 == ch2) && (ch1 == '<' || ch1 == '>')) return 2; } return 0; } static inline bool IsBin (const int ch) { return (ch < 0x80) && ((ch == '0') || (ch == '1')); } static void ColouriseA68kDoc (unsigned int startPos, int length, int initStyle, WordList *keywordlists[], Accessor &styler) { WordList &cpuInstruction = *keywordlists[0]; WordList &registers = *keywordlists[1]; WordList &directive = *keywordlists[2]; WordList &extInstruction = *keywordlists[3]; StyleContext sc(startPos, length, initStyle, styler); for (; sc.More(); sc.Forward()) { char Buffer[100]; int OpType; // Reset style at beginning of line if (sc.atLineStart) sc.SetState(SCE_A68K_DEFAULT); // Check if current style continue if (sc.state != SCE_A68K_DEFAULT) { if (((sc.state == SCE_A68K_COMMENT) && !sc.atLineStart) || ((sc.state == SCE_A68K_NUMBER_DEC) && isdigit(sc.ch)) || ((sc.state == SCE_A68K_NUMBER_BIN) && IsBin(sc.ch)) || ((sc.state == SCE_A68K_NUMBER_HEX) && isxdigit(sc.ch)) || ((sc.state == SCE_A68K_MACRO_ARG) && isdigit(sc.ch)) || ((sc.state == SCE_A68K_STRING1) && (sc.ch != '\'')) || ((sc.state == SCE_A68K_STRING2) && (sc.ch != '\"')) || ((sc.state == SCE_A68K_LABEL) && ((sc.ch != ':') || ((sc.ch == ':') && (sc.chNext == ':')) || ((sc.chPrev == ':') && (sc.ch == ':') && IsIdentifierChar(sc.chNext)))) || ((sc.state == SCE_A68K_IDENTIFIER) && IsIdentifierChar(sc.ch))) continue; else if (((sc.state == SCE_A68K_STRING1) && (sc.ch == '\'')) || ((sc.state == SCE_A68K_STRING2) && (sc.ch == '\"')) || ((sc.state == SCE_A68K_LABEL) && (sc.ch == ':'))) sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_A68K_DEFAULT); else if ((sc.state == SCE_A68K_IDENTIFIER) && !IsIdentifierChar(sc.ch)) { sc.GetCurrentLowered(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)); if (cpuInstruction.InList(Buffer)) sc.ChangeState(SCE_A68K_CPUINSTRUCTION); else if (extInstruction.InList(Buffer)) sc.ChangeState(SCE_A68K_EXTINSTRUCTION); else if (registers.InList(Buffer)) sc.ChangeState(SCE_A68K_REGISTER); else if (directive.InList(Buffer)) sc.ChangeState(SCE_A68K_DIRECTIVE); } sc.SetState(SCE_A68K_DEFAULT); // Drop current state ? } // Check if a new style must be entered OpType = IsOperator(sc.ch, sc.chNext); if (sc.atLineStart && IsLabelStart(sc.ch)) sc.SetState(SCE_A68K_LABEL); else if (sc.ch == ';') sc.SetState(SCE_A68K_COMMENT); else if (isdigit(sc.ch)) sc.SetState(SCE_A68K_NUMBER_DEC); else if (sc.ch == '%') sc.SetState(SCE_A68K_NUMBER_BIN); else if (sc.ch == '$') sc.SetState(SCE_A68K_NUMBER_HEX); else if (sc.ch == '\'') sc.SetState(SCE_A68K_STRING1); else if (sc.ch == '\"') sc.SetState(SCE_A68K_STRING2); else if (sc.ch == '\') sc.SetState(SCE_A68K_MACRO_ARG); else if (IsIdentifierStart(sc.ch)) sc.SetState(SCE_A68K_IDENTIFIER); else if (OpType != 0) { sc.SetState(SCE_A68K_OPERATOR); if (OpType == 2) sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_A68K_OPERATOR); } } sc.Complete(); } static const char * const a68kWordListDesc[] = { "CPU instructions", "Registers", "Directives", "Extended instructions", 0 }; LexerModule lmA68k(SCLEX_A68K, ColouriseA68kDoc, "A68k", 0, a68kWordListDesc);