GodzilLe 24/02/2011 à 09:59
Pen^2 (./8) :

Han, c'est nul, il n'y a aps un seul PDF qui contient tout sad

(bon en meme temps j'ai l'original, c'est carrement mieux ^^)


J'ai ressortit d'un carton ce que j'avais fait il y a 2ans, c'est surement pas optimal, et je n'ai pas mis la fonction pixmal_Fill, elle est dépendante du framebuffer, mais c'est une fonciton optimisé pour dessiner un rectangle plein sur un framebuffer, mais c'est dépendant du FB, donc aucun interet a etre mis ici.

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/* * This source code is licenced under the gPL v1 (godzil Public Licence version 1) * You must conform with it for using the corresponding source code */ typedef struct point_t { uint32_t x, y; } point_t; typedef struct fpoint_t { float x, y; } fpoint_t; int drawHLine (int contextId, int32_t x1, int32_t x2, int32_t y, int32_t color) { int result = 0; context_t *context = (context_t *) contextId; int32_t xs, xe, w; #ifdef DEBUG printf("%s(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d)\n", __func__, contextId, x1, x2, y, color); #endif if (x1 < x2) { xs = x1; xe = x2; } else { xs = x2; xe = x1; } /* this is madnessssss !!!! */ result = pixmap_Fill(context->pixmapId, xs, y, xe-xs, 1, color); #ifdef DEBUG printf("%s return %d\n", __func__, result); #endif return result; } #define SetPoint(pt1,pt2) pt1.x=pt2.x; pt1.y=pt2.y int drawFillTri (int contextId, point_t p1, point_t p2, point_t p3, uint32_t color) { int result = 0; context_t *context = (context_t *) contextId; fpoint_t A, B, C, S, E; float dx1, dx2, dx3; #ifdef DEBUG printf("%s(context:%d, p1:{%d, %d}, p2:{%d, %d}, p3:{%d, %d}, color: %d)\n", __func__, contextId, p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, p3.x, p3.y, color); #endif /* put ABC in the good order (A.y<=B.y<=C.y) */ if ((p1.y <= p2.y) && (p2.y <= p3.y)) { /* 1 2 3 */ SetPoint(A,p1); SetPoint(B,p2); SetPoint(C,p3); } else if ((p1.y <= p3.y) && (p3.y <= p2.y)) { /* 1 3 2 */ SetPoint(A,p1); SetPoint(B,p3); SetPoint(C,p2); } else if ((p2.y <= p1.y) && (p1.y <= p3.y)) { /* 2 1 3 */ SetPoint(A,p2); SetPoint(B,p1); SetPoint(C,p3); } else if ((p2.y <= p3.y) && (p3.y <= p1.y)) { /* 2 3 1 */ SetPoint(A,p2); SetPoint(B,p3); SetPoint(C,p1); } else if ((p3.y <= p1.y) && (p1.y <= p2.y)) { /* 3 1 2 */ SetPoint(A,p3); SetPoint(B,p1); SetPoint(C,p2); } else/*if ((p3.y <= p2.y) && (p2.y <= p1.y))*/ { /* 3 2 1 */ SetPoint(A,p3); SetPoint(B,p2); SetPoint(C,p1); } #ifdef DEBUG if ((A.y > B.y) || (B.y > C.y) || (A.y > C.y)) { printf("ERROR WHILE ORDERING ITEMS...\n"); goto exit; } #endif if ((B.y-A.y) > 0) { dx1=(B.x-A.x)/(B.y-A.y); } else { dx1=0.0 }; if ((C.y-A.y) > 0) { dx2=(C.x-A.x)/(C.y-A.y); } else { dx2=0.0 }; if ((C.y-B.y) > 0) { dx3=(C.x-B.x)/(C.y-B.y); } else { dx3=0.0 }; #ifdef DEBUG printf("dx1:%f dx2:%f dx3:%f\n", dx1, dx2, dx3); #endif S.x=E.x=A.x; S.y=E.y=A.y; /* Starting ugly code... */ if(dx1 > dx2) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("dx1/dx2 >"); #endif for(; S.y <= B.y ; S.y++, E.y++, S.x += dx2, E.x += dx1) { drawHLine(contextId, S.x ,E.x, S.y, color); } SetPoint(E, B); #ifdef DEBUG printf("dx2/dx3 >"); #endif for(; S.y <= C.y ; S.y++, E.y++, S.x += dx2, E.x += dx3) { drawHLine(contextId, S.x, E.x, S.y, color); } } else { #ifdef DEBUG printf("dx1/dx2 <"); #endif for(; S.y <= B.y ; S.y++, E.y++, S.x += dx1, E.x += dx2) { drawHLine(contextId, S.x, E.x, S.y, color); } SetPoint(S, B); E.x-=dx2; #ifdef DEBUG printf("dx2/dx3 <"); #endif for(; S.y <= C.y ; S.y++, E.y++, S.x += dx3, E.x += dx2) { drawHLine(contextId, S.x, E.x, S.y, color); } } exit: #ifdef DEBUG printf("%s return %d", __func__, result); #endif return result; }