ZephLe 09/08/2013 à 21:53
Kevin Kofler (./30) :
Si. Lis la spec. Le BOM n'est prévu que pour l'UTF-16 et l'UTF-32. Il n'a aucun sens en UTF-8 où il n'est pas question d'ordre des octets.


The UCS character U+FEFF "ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE" is also known informally as "BYTE ORDER MARK" [...]. A receiver of such a serialized stream may then use the initial character as a hint that the stream consists of UCS characters and also to recognize which UCS encoding is involved and, with encodings having a multi-octet encoding unit, as a way to recognize the serialization order of the octets. UTF-8 having a single-octet encoding unit, this last function is useless [...]

Lis la spec.