VasiliyFamiliyaLe 18/04/2020 à 18:24
Tonma (./29):
I compiled your code and I have no sprites displayed at all. Only the Background.

Add this at the end of the if(action==6)
aSpriteAnimate(&sp1); aSpriteAnimate(&sp2); aSpriteAnimate(&sp3); aSpriteAnimate(&sp4); aSpriteAnimate(&sp5);

Thank you! But these sprites must be animated if miniGame variable is equal to 1 only. However the piece of code below -

if(miniGame==1) { aSpriteAnimate(&sp1); aSpriteAnimate(&sp2); aSpriteAnimate(&sp3); aSpriteAnimate(&sp4); if(controlON==1) { if((curs_x>104)&&(curs_y>96)) { if((curs_x<208)&&(curs_y>136)) { aSpriteAnimate(&sp5); if(frame==55) score++; } } } if((min==0)&&(sec==0)&&(frame==0)) { miniGame=2; clearSprites(25,46); if(score>=21) choice=0; if(score<=15) choice=1; if((score>15)&&(score<21)) choice=2; action++; } }
- doesn't work. What mistake I did at this time?

Here is updated sources wholly.

tromb Fichier joint : girlxgirl.rar