HPMANLe 10/10/2018 à 16:17
Tonma (./6) :

I tried your asm function but I have error I/O. And this time I checked twice the presence of the file. I don't know how create a correct file list.
I found this example in the wiki :
"STAGE_2.SPR" ;Name 0x02 ;Bank 0x00 ;align 0x00001600 ;Destination
With C :
void loadList(char *list); char *bgspr = "DEMO2.SPR0,$300000"; // $(bank3)(align=0)(adress=0000) if (p1e&JOY_B) { loadList(bgspr); }
With asm only :
.globl loadList loadList: move.l #ListFile, a0 movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6, -(sp) jsr 0xc00552 movem.l (sp)+, d2-d7/a2-a6 rts ListFile: .ascii "DEMO2.SPR" .byte 0x03 .byte 0x00 .long 0x00

Badly constructed file lists.

Asm would be :
.ascii "DEMO2.SPR" .byte 0x00 ;* string end .byte 0x03 ;* bank .byte 0x00 ;* pad byte (possibly replace with .align 2) .long 0x00 ;* address
C would be like:
const char bgspr[]="DEMO2.SPR\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; loadList(bgspr);