SasumeLe 10/02/2008 à 22:57
./7 Bizarre, mon Konqueror 3.5.8 ne plante pas confus
En tout cas le test n'est pas valide...
Failed 48 tests.
Test 1: method [object NodeIterator].nextNode() didn't forward exception
Test 2: reached expectation 2 when expecting expectation 1
Test 3: Null value
Test 4: expected: [object BODY], got: null - expectation 1 failed
Test 5: expected: [object H1], got: [object Text] - expectation 4 failed
Test 6: expected: [object BODY], got: null - basic use of TreeWalker failed: previousNode()
Test 7: cloneContents() didn't return an object
Test 8: DOM Exception 3
Test 9: expected: ful Kitty, got: ful KittyHow are you? - toString() on range crossing text nodes gave wrong output
Test 10: expected: result, got: - toString() didn't work for attribute node
Test 11: when trying to surround two halves of comment: wrong exception raised; code = 3
Test 12: range didn't start with the expected text; range stringified to ''
Test 13: collapsed is wrong after deletion
Test 18: expected: 10, got: 1 - DOCTYPE nodeType wrong
Test 19: exception HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR constant missing or wrong
Test 23: no exception for createElementNS('null', ':div')
Test 25: failed to raise exception
Test 26: DOM Exception 3
Test 27: Null value
Test 29: expected: 2, got: 1 - cloned table had wrong number of children
Test 35: expected: 1, got: - first child of root node didn't match :first-child
Test 38: expected: 1, got: 0 - element with a comment node and an empty text node didn't match :empty
Test 40: expected: 0, got: 1 - part 9:1
Test 41: expected: 1, got: - head was not :not(:root)
Test 43: expected: 0, got: 1 - failure 9
Test 44: expected: 0, got: 1 - misparsed selectors
Test 46: expected: uppercase, got: none - case a failed
Test 47: expected: none, got: auto - cursor none not supported
Test 51: expected: 6, got: 5 - wrong number of rows
Test 53: expected: 1, got: 0 - form's elements array has wrong size
Test 59: expected: submit, got: - <button> doesn't have type=submit
Test 64: expected: ./test.html, got: test.html - object elements didn't resolve URIs correctly
Test 69: DOM Exception 14
Test 70: timeout -- could be a networking issue
Test 70 took 250 attempts.
Test 72: expected: 2, got: 1 - wrong number of children in #document (first test)
Test 73: expected: 20, got: 10 - change failed to take effect
Test 74: Value undefined (result of expression button.click) is not an object. Cannot be called.
Test 75: contentDocument failed for <iframe> referencing an svg document.
Test 76: contentDocument failed on <iframe> for svg document.
Test 77: contentDocument failed on <object> for svg document.
Test 78: contentDocument failed on <object> for svg document.
Test 79: contentDocument failed on <object> for svg document.
Test 84: expected: 0.0000e+0, got: NaN - toExponential(4) wrong for 0
Test 86: calling setMilliseconds() with no arguments didn't result in NaN
Test 88: \u002b was not considered a parse error in script
Test 89: orphaned bracket not considered parse error in regular expression literal
Test 90: /(\3)(\1)(a)/ failed to match 'cat'
Test 98: expected: [object Document], got: null - doctype's ownerDocument didn't change when it was assigned to another documentElapsed time: 20.96s