XimoonLe 06/04/2008 à 22:58
  342 // Find the item preceding or following the given location. May return NULL.
  343 #define DefineFindItemAtPos(Type,Item,LocationSuffix) \
  344 Type *Find##Item##AtPos (const SECTION *Section, OFFSET Location, BOOLEAN Following) \
  345 { \
  346 	/* Find the place so that Item->Location is always less than Location */ \
  347 	/* and Next##Item->Location is always greater or equal. */ \
  348 	Type *Item = NULL, *Next##Item = NULL; \
  349 	if (Location > Section->Size >> 1) \
  350 	{ \
  351 		Item = GetLast (Section->Item##s); \
  352 		while (Item && (Item->Location LocationSuffix >= Location)) \
  353 		{ \
  354 			Next##Item = Item; \
  355 			Item = GetPrev (Item); \
  356 		} \
  357 	} \
  358 	else \
  359 	{ \
  360 		Next##Item = GetFirst (Section->Item##s); \
  361 		while (Next##Item && (Next##Item->Location LocationSuffix < Location)) \
  362 		{ \
  363 			Item = Next##Item; \
  364 			Next##Item = GetNext (Next##Item); \
  365 		} \
  366 	} \
  367 	/* If we are looking for something that follows, the case is clear. */ \
  368 	/* Otherwise, we need to check whether the next item is also OK. */ \
  369 	if (Following || (Next##Item && (Next##Item->Location LocationSuffix <= Location))) \
  370 		return Next##Item; \
  371 	else \
  372 		return Item; \
  373 }
  375 DefineFindItemAtPos (SYMBOL,   Symbol,  );
  376 DefineFindItemAtPos (RELOC,    Reloc,   );
  377 DefineFindItemAtPos (ROM_CALL, ROMCall, );
  378 DefineFindItemAtPos (RAM_CALL, RAMCall, );
  379 DefineFindItemAtPos (LIB_CALL, LibCall, );
  380 DefineFindItemAtPos (SEGMENT,  Segment, .Start->Location);
  382 #undef DefineFindItemAtPos


edit : ça me rend malade tout ça, pas envie d'en lire plus tongue