Lionel DebrouxLe 22/02/2009 à 18:37
lachprog a rendu publique aujourd'hui la première demo jouable de son Metroid pour TI-68k.
This demo has the two first parts of the maps, 2 out of 8.

Plenty of monsters are hunting for you, and it also has a bunch of metroids!

Several powerups are also available to aid you through the game.
Those include the Ice beam, spider ball and bomb but also energy tanks, missile
pods and energy refills are hidden throughout the maps.
The controls are described in the attached readme.

Bien sûr, il aimerait beaucoup savoir ce que les gens pensent du jeu smile
La remarque que les balles sont un peu petites lui a été faite, il pense les grossir.

Topic sur TI-Freakware: http://tifreakware.ath.cx/index.php?showtopic=1424