deleted2Le 08/01/2009 à 11:53
Perso, j'aimerais savoir comment faire ça avec les outils de TIGCC :

#	assemble the loader
tigcc	loader.s -v -o loader

#	generate info headers
echo " .ascii \"Built on "`date -uR | cut -f 1 -d +`\" > date.h
echo " .ascii \""`cat version`\" > version.h
echo " .ascii \""`cat author`\" > author.h
echo " .ascii \""`cat email`\" > email.h

#	generate bin files
../bin/ttbin2str/ttbin2str -s89 ./author.h author
../bin/ttbin2str/ttbin2str -s89 ./version.h version
../bin/ttbin2str/ttbin2str -s89 ./comment comment

#	assemble the main part
tigcc	asmain.s	\
	assembly.s	\
	cmdline.s	\
	commands.s	\
	files.s		\
	ints.s		\
	mem.s		\
	options.s	\
	strasm.s	\
	strcmdln.s	\
	strerror.s	\
	quit.s	 	\
	-v -o asmain

#	verbose.s	\
#	opcodes.s	\

#	create the pack archive
../bin/kpack/kpack loader.89z !asmain.89z icon.89i author.89s version.89s comment.89s asti68k
../bin/kpack/kpack loader.9xz !asmain.9xz icon.89i author.89s version.89s comment.89s asti68k
../bin/kpack/kpack loader.v2z !asmain.v2z icon.89i author.89s version.89s comment.89s asti68k

#	move binaries and clean sources
mv	asti68k.??z ../

rm -f	_kpack.asm	\
	author.h	\
	date.h		\
	email.h		\
	version.h	\
	*.89s		\
	\#*\#		\
	*.o		\
	*.??z		\
	*~		\
	../*~		\
