Lionel DebrouxLe 31/01/2009 à 12:06
!call Kevin Kofler
--- Call : Kevin Kofler appelé(e) sur ce topic ...

* "GCC4TI Tools" renamed to "TI-68k Developer Utilities" (r1310).

* I started merging pstarter and ttstart (r1311).
I haven't committed this change yet, because I have neither finished the rest of the changes to the ttstart code & dependencies nor tested them (which will be a PITA, given how many executables there are...), but I've got rid of TPRs for both pstarter and ttstart.
You showed me several weeks ago how useless the pstarter tpr is (a one-liner that calls TIGCC does the job just fine), and I don't see the point in modifying/creating eleven TPRs (and that's if I don't add support for shrink92 to ttstart - otherwise, "eleven TPRs" becomes twenty-three TPRs...) when an 11- (or 23-)liner does the job just fine.

* I know you're VERY busy with Fedora / KDE stuff (I saw your name appearing twice on LWN.net, once in a discussion about the D-Bus screwup in definitely-too-bleeding-edge-and-too-low-on-quality-standards Fedora and once referring to your reply to Aaron Seigo's post about KDE 4.2 on his blog), but you haven't replied to ./8 wink