deleted2Le 22/07/2009 à 00:37
The device detection and the device browsing are totally different.

It doesn't display the result of its detection when I launch the "TI device info" ("device and system detection"). So I can't tell you if the calc is seen as a TI89ti at this moment.
It says that only when browsing the vat.

The complete log (because pedrom displays a second part after that Ti-Connect displays its own error :

- Launch "TI device info"
Recv 08A2 0006
Send 9856 0000
Send 9806 000B
Recv 0856 0000
Recv 0809 0000

- then PedroM throws TWO "Link : format" errors
- then Ti-Connect outputs its error (dialog box)
- then PedroM displays still some data :
Send 9856 0000
Sebd 9815 0020
Recv 0856 0000
Send 9892 0000

cross -> I mean that if you want to echo more info, using a file should be better than echo on the screen
send/receive files : checking

Sending a file to tha calc works
I don't send a file to the PC, because the Ti-Connect shell doesn't show the files confus