ZerosquareLe 24/08/2019 à 21:53
https://www.zdnet.com/article/apple-warns-its-credit-card-doesnt-like-leather-or-denim/ :
A support note from Cupertino, spotted by AppleInsider, says the card should be kept away from leather and denim to avoid discolouration, and also away from hard surfaces, to avoid scratching its white finish.

Users are warned not to use household cleaners on the card, nor compressed air and aersols, nor any solvents, or ammonia, or anything abrasive to clean it.


Apple further warns that the credit card, created with long time controversial finance company Goldman Sachs, should be kept away from loose change, keys, and other credit cards.

"Place your card in a slot in your wallet or billfold without touching another credit card. If two credit cards are placed in the same slot your card could become scratched," Apple adds.
Sont forts chez Apple : même quand ils font une simple carte de crédit, elle a besoin d'un environnement spécial cheeky