flintLe 24/12/2003 à 18:19
Save Games - You can continue your save games. However, the problem is the save includes the corruptionandwaste for each city so when you load it thats where it continues the calculation. As your progress through turns the calculation will take affect.

It should be noted that Forbidden Palaces are not supposed to 'eliminate' corruption in the home city. They just 'reduce corruption' and act 'like a 2nd palace'. A city that has a Forbidden Palace will not be corrupt-free. However, combinations of good trade ways, city placement, government choice, local military forces, and other buildings can reduce your corruption to a minimal amount.

Also, this 'minimal corruption' is amplified when playing on higher difficulty levels.

Keep the feedback coming! We hurried to get this out and couldn't run through the lists making more fixes. You will see the focus more heavily on the issues you have been announcing.


En gros, il faut quelques tours avant que la "nouvelle" corruption soit calculée. Ca me renforce dans mon opinion : le plus tôt on patchera, le mieux ce sera.