NhutLe 13/11/2020 à 21:42

Fiou la tristesse... Il crée une publication pour sa nouvelle vidéo et le lien et la miniature c'est son sponsor.

Alors qu'il y a deux ans il critiquait le sponsoring:

there's a credit for Timex. Yeah, Timex, the watch company. What, did they make this game on a ZX Spectrum? Oh, here's why! It's an ad, for a grip-clip watch. Lara uses it in the game to keep track of her time and progress. So right away, this game just sells out with the product placement!

[in the wise words of Garth Algar] "It's like people only do things because they get paid. And that's just really sad."


Je vais maintenant regarder sa nouvelle vidéo et j'espère que ma réaction ne sera juste pas:
Chronicles is just a soulless rehash of the other games and a shameless advertisement for a watch no-one remembers.