L'émulateur Nuon pour PC a été updaté !

Nuance v2.0 Released
3/23/2004 by K3V
Riff has released a new version of Nuance, his NUON emulator for the PC today. One of the big additions to this release is audio support, but here are the rest of the details straight from Riff:

A new build of Nuance is now available. Audio support has been added using the FMOD audio library. Various bug fixes allow NISE PCM playback to function correctly. Audio interrupts are disabled by default for compatibility purposes but may be enabled in the configuration file. Several more BIOS functions have been implemented including TimerInit which allows system timer based interrupts.
Due to the software implementation of the NISE mixer, NISE PCM based playback is usually extremely slow with massive echo and pitch distortion. This is the primary reason for disabling audio interrupts by default. Some programs, primarily those that use audio streaming, crash with audio interrupts enabled. T3K is one of them and this is the other reason for disabling interrupts by default.

You can get the latest release here

Changes from 0.1.0:

Fixed flag bug in MSB instruction handler
Enhanced minibios support
Audio support
Working NISE based audio playback
Implemented BIOS routines for SpinWait, CommSendRecv, CommSendRecvInfo, and TimerInit
New implementation of TimeToSleep that blocks only the calling MPE




Merci pour les infos wink
Florian M.


Encore une update smile

Nuance v0.2.2 Released

Apparently there was a bug in the previous release of Nuance (v0.2.1) that prevented commercial NUON games from running properly. In order to fix that issue, Riff released v0.2.2. Here's what he had to say about the release:

A new build of Nuance is now available. This release fixes the comm handler interrupt bug that was introduced in the 0.2.1 bug-fix release. Commercial games and demos that install comm handlers on MPE3 should be functional again. The emulator has also been switched over from Extgl to Glew. There should be no noticable difference due to the switch other than the addition of the Glew32 DLL.

You can get the latest release here : http://nuon-emu.com/emuforge/forums/files/Nuance_022.zip

Changes from 0.2.1:

Fixed BIOS addressing bug affecting commrecv handlers installed on MPE3
Switched from Extgl to Glew for OpenGL extension management

Source : http://www.nuon-dome.com/
Florian M.