chickendudeLe 04/02/2013 à 15:57
ip_sprite_outer pop ix pop bc pop hl ret
Alors celle-ci est 39 octets et conserve hl :; INPUT :
; ix:sprite; b:height; c:width/8
; ix=flipped sprite
; destroys a, de
; uses saferam3
	push hl
	push bc
		push ix
		pop de
		ld hl,saferam3
		push hl
;de = original sprite
;hl = buffer
		push bc				;save b (sprite height)
			ld b,0			;bc = width in bytes
			add hl,bc		;go to very right of first sprite and draw leftward
			push hl
				ld b,8
				dec hl			;go left in buffer
				push bc			;c gets overwritten so we need to save it
					ld a,(de)	;first byte in a
					rrca		;rotate a to the right and rotate the carry left into c
					rl c
					djnz $-3
					ld (hl),c	;save flipped byte
					inc de		;next byte of sprite
				pop bc			;c = counter (number of bytes to flip)
				dec c
				jr nz,flip_sprite_loop
			pop hl
		pop bc			;restore b (height)
		djnz fl