TonmaLe 10/10/2018 à 19:06
HPMAN (./8) :
Badly constructed file lists.

Asm would be :
.ascii "DEMO2.SPR" .byte 0x00 ;* string end .byte 0x03 ;* bank .byte 0x00 ;* pad byte (possibly replace with .align 2) .long 0x00 ;* address
C would be like:
const char bgspr[]="DEMO2.SPR\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; loadList(bgspr);


I'm dumb crash

The full asm doesn't work : I/O error. But I can load the file with the C version, so that's fine :
char bgspr[]="DEMO3.SPR\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; void loadList(char *list); loadList(bgspr);
I certainly did something wrong because yesterday I could load the bank 3.
I do not know if my tiles are loading in the right place. I load with IPL the file demo3.spr in bank 3. Nothing on the screen. I load a new file with loadList () in my code to bank 0 and it works. My sprite draws on the screen. If I change the starting tile my file grow in size.

In my chardata file :
<starting_tile>0</starting_tile> <charfile>out\char3.bin</charfile>In IPL : doesn't work
DEMO3.SPR,3,0In IPL : work
So it's seems the file is not loading when I want bank > 0.