deleted2Le 09/05/2009 à 21:11
PpHd (./20) :
Strange. Could you send me your tib ?

Another thing. Instead of tracing pedrom::tmpnam, I wanted to look at the asm source code. So I've tried to modify the Makefile, removing "rm c/*.asm" :
#	$(RM) c/*.asm c/*~ c/*.o version.h *.o *~ *.tib *.lst
	$(RM) c/*~ c/*.o version.h *.o *~ *.tib *.lst

But I can't see the asm files after having recompiled PedroM, even after having removed by hand ./c/*.o files, to force recompilation of C source files.

And I think that the clean command should delete ./c/*.o files ? No one is deleted. Normal behavior ?