J'ai recu ce mail ce matin, ce n'est pas la premiere fois que des personnes me disent qu'en fonction de la config de leur serveur, ils avait ce comportement.

est-ce que quelqu'un aurait une idée du pourquoi ?

Firstly Would like to mention that your code works just awesome for me. But the only problem is it behaves quite odd when I upload it on staging server. My local machine and server has the same configuration and it runs PHP 5.3.1 version.

It generates PDF on my staging server if I provide simple html string with only table column (<table border='1'><tr><td bgcolor="#FF0000">Alpa</td></tr></table>), but it fails for two column table (<table border='1'><tr><td bgcolor="#FF0000">Alpa</td><td bgcolor="#FF0000">Alpa</td></tr></table>) and gives me following error.
‘The content of a TD tag does not fit on only one page’

Detail error is:
File : /html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php
Line : 4785
The content of a TD tag does not fit on only one page

Its driving me nuts that how can it work fantastic locally but not on staging server !! Can you please help me to resolve this issue? What I might be doing wrong here? Your any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you !
Alpa Tailor

Ancien pseudo : lolo