
Vous connaissez surement bin8x... Ou bien vous utilisez bin2var ou Obj83 ou devpac8x ou wabbitsign...
Bref bin8x est le plus "unix-like" de tous ces convertisseurs et il était dommage qu'il ne soit pas vraiment bien adapté à nos besoins.

Parmi les modifications :
- J'ai repris le code de bin8x pour que la gestion des arguments de la ligne de commande soit vraiment souple et puissante car c'était assez contraignant et un peu "buggé".
On peut utiliser l'auto-detection ou mettre les arguments dans l'ordre qu'on veut ou encore plein d'autres nouvelles possibilités wink
- J'ai également ajouté une possibilité de "unsquisher" à la volée les fichiers (option -q)
- La mise en majuscule est utilisée par défaut (on peut la desactiver sur demande)
- La taille des fichiers est géré de façon plus propre.
- Le mode verbeux est désactivé par défaut.

Et puis quelques autres améliorations.

J'ai fait ces modifications pour moi, parce que je trouvais bin8x moins user friendly que bin2var.
Mais je crois que cela pourrait être utile à quelqu'un alors je poste ma version modifiée.

Voici le nouveau code :

 /* Bin8x v1.4 for Linux,*BSD,...
  * Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Martijn Kuipers <central@hyperfield.com>
  * Copyright (C) 2003 Tijl Coosemans <tijl@ulyssis.org>
  * Copyright (C) 2004 Guillaume Hoffmann
  * Copyright (C) 2011 thibault Duponchelle <t.duponchelle@gmail.com>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  * (at your option) any later version.
  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  * Thanks to: Solignac Julien for optimizing the code and making it look more 
  * like devpac.  
  * Compiling the source for your unix:
  * with gcc use: gcc bin8x.c -o bin8x
/* TI-83 program format :
 Byte(s) (in decimal)             What It Contains
  1-11                      "**TI83**"[26][10][0]
  12-53                     Comment
  54-55                     file length - 57  =  Size of all data in the .8?? file,
                            from byte 55 to last byte before the checksum
  56-57                     [11][0]
  58-59                     Length of data (word)
  60                        program type : 5 (6 for protected)
  61-68                     program name (0-filled) 
  69-70                     Length of data
  71-72                     Length of program
  73-(n-2)                  Actual Program
  (n-1)-n 	            Checksum
 * All the length are one word, with Least Significant Byte first
 * Length of program = the length of all the program data (incredible !)
 * Length of data = length of program + 2 (cause it is length of the datablock,
   which contains program length(2 bytes) + program data)
 * Word at 53-54 = length of program + 17
 * The checksum is one word, the sum of all the bytes from byte 55 to
   the last byte before the checksum, modulo 2^16-1 to fit in one word
 /* TI-82 program format :
 Byte(s) (in decimal)             What It Contains
  1-11                             **TI82**[26][10][0]
  12-53                            Comment
  54-55                            (69-70)+15 or (71-72)+17
  56-57                            [11][0]
  58-59                            Repeats 69-70
  60                               [5] unprotected
                                   [6] protected
  61-68                            Name of program
  69-70                            (71-72)+2
  71-72                            Length of file to end minus Checksum
  73-(n-2)                         Actual program
  (n-1)-(n)                        Checksum

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <malloc.h>

#define true 1
#define false 0

#define indef 1
#define outdef 2
#define namedef 4

/* An enum to define possible extensions */
enum {
	EXT_NULL = '0',
	EXT_82P = '2',
	EXT_83P = '3',
	EXT_8XP = 'p'

/* The extensions */
const char      ext82[] = ".82p";
const char      ext83[] = ".83p";
const char      ext8x[] = ".8xp";

/* A structure for command line arguments */
typedef struct CmdLineArgs {
    char           *input;		/* The input filename */
    char           *output;		/* The output filename */
    char           *name;		/* The name on the calc */
    char            destcalc_id;	/* could be '2' or '3' or '4' */
    short int       uppercase;		/* Keep or not lowercase for calcname (uppercase is recommended!) */
    short int       executable;		/* Force executable (ti83plus) */
    unsigned char   progtype;		
    short int	    unsquish;		/* Unquish a ti83 program (no shell only) */
    short int	    verbose;		/* Be verbose */
    short int	    help;		/* Be verbose */
    int		    flag; 		/* A flag to know if at least one argument is parsed */ 
} CmdLineArgs;

/* This struct is used by getopt_long_only for argument parsing */
static struct option long_options[] =
               {"ti82",     no_argument,       0, '2'},
               {"ti83",  no_argument,       0, '3'},
               {"ti83p",  no_argument,       0, 'p'},
               {"input",  required_argument, 0, 'i'},
               {"output",  required_argument, 0, 'o'},
               {"name",    required_argument, 0, 'n'},
               {"executable",    no_argument, 0, 'x'},
               {"unprotected",    no_argument, 0, 'u'},
               {"unsquish",    no_argument, 0, 'q'},
               {"lowercase",    no_argument, 0, 'l'},
               {"verbose",    no_argument, 0, 'v'},
               {"help",    no_argument, 0, 'h'},
               {0, 0, 0, 0}

unsigned char   LL(unsigned short int);
unsigned char   HH(unsigned short int);
void            help(char *name, int ret);	/* Print help */
int             getargs(int argc, char *argv[], CmdLineArgs * cmdline); /* Command Line Parsing */
void            cmdline_init(CmdLineArgs * cmdline);	 /* Set all variable to null or default values */ 
void            cmdline_finalize(CmdLineArgs * cmdline); /* Some after parsing tasks */
void print_cmdline(CmdLineArgs *cmdline); /* Some debug */
int unsquish(char* filename); /* Unsquish a programm for ti83 regular no shell */
void autoselect_ext(CmdLineArgs* cmdline, char* filename); /* Detect the input/output and use extension given */

/* Set all variables to null or default values */
void cmdline_init(CmdLineArgs * cmdline)
    cmdline->input = NULL;
    cmdline->output = NULL;
    cmdline->name = NULL;
    cmdline->destcalc_id = EXT_NULL;
    cmdline->uppercase = true;
    cmdline->executable = false;
    cmdline->progtype = 0x06;
    cmdline->unsquish = false;
    cmdline->verbose = false;
    cmdline->flag = 0;

/* Get args using getopt */
int getargs(int argc, char *argv[], CmdLineArgs * cmdline)
    char options;
    opterr = 0;
    int option_index = 0;

    if (argc <= 1)
	help(argv[0], -1);

    while((options = getopt_long_only(argc, argv, "i:o:n:234xulq", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) {
	switch (options) {
	case 'i':
	    cmdline->input = optarg;
	    cmdline->flag = 1;

	case 'o':
	    cmdline->output = optarg;
	    cmdline->flag = 1;
	case 'n':
	    cmdline->name = optarg;
	    cmdline->flag = 1;

	case '2':
	    cmdline->destcalc_id = EXT_82P;
	    cmdline->flag = 1;

	case '3':
	    cmdline->destcalc_id = EXT_83P;
	    cmdline->flag = 1;

	case 'p':
	    cmdline->destcalc_id = EXT_8XP;
	    cmdline->flag = 1;

	case 'l':
	    cmdline->uppercase = false;
	    cmdline->flag = 1;

	case 'x':
	    cmdline->executable = true;
	    cmdline->flag = 1;

	case 'u':
	    cmdline->progtype = 0x05;
	    cmdline->flag = 1;
	case 'q':
	    cmdline->unsquish = true;
	    cmdline->flag = 1;
	case 'v':
	    cmdline->verbose = true;
	    cmdline->flag = 1;
	case 'h':
	    help(argv[0], 0);
	    cmdline->flag = 1;

	    fprintf(stderr, "Erreur d'option\n");
	    help(argv[0], -1);


	/* Get the non option args and use it as input/output */
	int index;
	 for (index = optind; index < argc; index++) {
	        	autoselect_ext(cmdline, argv[index]);

    /* If no option use the twice parameter */
    if((!cmdline->input) && (cmdline->flag == 0) && (argc == 3)) { 
	autoselect_ext(cmdline, argv[1]);
	autoselect_ext(cmdline, argv[2]);
    /* Use parameter as input (and output) */
    } else if((!cmdline->input) && (cmdline->flag == 0) && (argc == 2)) {
	cmdline->input = (char*) malloc (strlen(argv[1]) * sizeof(char) + 1);
	strcpy(cmdline->input, argv[1]);
    if((!cmdline->input) && (!cmdline->output)) 
	help(argv[0], -1);


    return 0;

/* Use the filename as input or output depending on extension
 * Set the destcalc_id using comparaison with extension */
void autoselect_ext(CmdLineArgs* cmdline, char* filename) {
	char* arg=(char*) malloc(strlen(filename) + 1);
	memcpy(arg, filename, strlen(filename));
	char* p = (char*)strrchr(arg, '.'); /* Get a pointer on the extension (null if no extension) */
	if(p) {
		/* Is it a destination file? */ 
		if((strcmp(p, ext82) == 0) ||(strcmp(p, ext83) == 0) || (strcmp(p, ext8x) == 0)) {
			if(strcmp(p, ext82) == 0) cmdline->destcalc_id = EXT_82P;
			if(strcmp(p, ext83) == 0) cmdline->destcalc_id = EXT_83P;
			if(strcmp(p, ext8x) == 0) cmdline->destcalc_id = EXT_8XP;
			cmdline->output = (char*) malloc(strlen(arg) * sizeof(char) + 4);
			strcpy(cmdline->output, arg);	
		} else {
			cmdline->input = (char*) malloc(strlen(arg) * sizeof(char) + 1);
			memcpy(cmdline->input, arg, strlen(arg));	
	} else {
		cmdline->input = (char*) malloc(strlen(arg) * sizeof(char) +1 );
		memcpy(cmdline->input, arg, strlen(arg));	

/* Some debugging informations */
void print_cmdline(CmdLineArgs *cmdline) {
	printf("input : %s\noutput: %s\nname: %s\ndestcalc_id: %c\nuppercase: %d\nexecutable: %d\nprogtype: %d\nflag: %d\n",cmdline->input,cmdline->output, cmdline->name, cmdline->destcalc_id, cmdline->uppercase, cmdline->executable, cmdline->progtype, cmdline->flag);

/* #1# Copy the input into the output if needed
 * #2# Copy the output into the input if needed
 * #3# Detect extension (may be redundancy) 
 * #4# Use default destcalc_id if needed 
 * #5# Copy the calcname if needed
 * #6# Keep only the first 8 char for the name
 * #7# Use uppercase for calcname if needed
 * #8# Add an special char for crash 
void cmdline_finalize(CmdLineArgs * cmdline)

    int i = 0;

    /* #1# Copy input into output if no output name */
    if(!cmdline->output) {
	if(cmdline->input) { /* Use input name */
		cmdline->output = (char*) malloc(strlen(cmdline->input) * sizeof(char) + 4);
		strcpy(cmdline->output, cmdline->input);

    /* #2# Copy output into input if no input name */
    if(!cmdline->input) {
	if(cmdline->output) { /* Use output name */
		cmdline->input = (char*) malloc(strlen(cmdline->output) * sizeof(char) + 1);
		strcpy(cmdline->input, cmdline->output);
		char* p = (char*)strrchr(cmdline->input, '.'); /* Get a pointer on the extension (null if no extension) */
			strcpy(p, ".bin");
    /* #3# Use extension to define destcalc_id then drop extension (because it could be false!) */
    char* p = (char*)strrchr(cmdline->output, '.');
    if(p) {
	if(strcmp(p, ext82) == 0) cmdline->destcalc_id = EXT_82P;
	if(strcmp(p, ext83) == 0) cmdline->destcalc_id = EXT_83P;
	if(strcmp(p, ext8x) == 0) cmdline->destcalc_id = EXT_8XP;
	if(p) strcpy(p, "\0");
    /* #4# If no extension is defined, use 83p as default */
    if(cmdline->destcalc_id == EXT_NULL) 
	cmdline->destcalc_id = EXT_83P;

    /* #5# Copy the name if needed */
    if(!cmdline->name) {
	    cmdline->name = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * 8);
	    memset(cmdline->name, '\0', 8);
	    for(i = 0; i<8; i++) {
		cmdline->name[i] = cmdline->output[i]; 
    /* #6# If calcname is too long, drop the end */	
    if(strlen(cmdline->name) > 8)
	cmdline->name[8] = '\0';

    /* #7# Convert automatically to uppercase calcname (only if -l is not given) */
    if (cmdline->uppercase == true) {
	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
	    if (islower(cmdline->name[i])) {
		cmdline->name[i] = toupper(cmdline->name[i]);

    /* #8# for ti-82 CrASH, put an inverted lowercase 'a' as first character */
    if (cmdline->destcalc_id == EXT_82P) {
	for (i = 7; i; i--) {
	    cmdline->name[i] = cmdline->name[i - 1];
	cmdline->name[0] = 220;

/* This special function is used for generating TI83 regular programs (NO SHELL) */
int unsquish(char* filename) {
	FILE *fp, *fpr;
	int e;
	char end[] = {0x3F ,0xD4  ,0x3F ,0x30 ,0x30 ,0x30  ,0x30 ,0x3F ,0xD4};
	if((fpr = fopen(filename, "r+b"))) {
		if(!(fp=fopen("__temp__.bin","w+b"))) {
			return 1;

			//printf("%c= %02X ",c, c); //Print hexa code could bug the console ;D
	return 0;

/* The main function */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct utsname  system;
    FILE           *infile, *outfile;
    unsigned short int i, n, filesize;
    unsigned char   buffer, optiondefs = 0;
    unsigned char   programData[28000];
    unsigned short int checksum;

    /* --- Header File Values --- */
    /* The header will be modified if your destcalc_id is not 3... */
    unsigned char   header[11] = { '*', '*', 'T', 'I', '8', '3', '*', '*', 0x1A, 0x0A, 0x00 };
    unsigned char   comment[42] = "File created under ";
    unsigned char   fileLenLL = 0x00;
    unsigned char   fileLenHH = 0x00;
    unsigned char   varHeadLL = 0x00;
    unsigned char   varHeadHH = 0x00;
    unsigned char   dataLenLL = 0x00;
    unsigned char   dataLenHH = 0x00;
    unsigned char   programLenLL = 0x00;
    unsigned char   programLenHH = 0x00;
    if (uname(&system) == -1)
	strcat(comment, "unknown system");
	strncat(comment, system.sysname, 20);
    /* --- Header File Values --- */

    /* Parse all arguments */
    struct CmdLineArgs *cmdline = (CmdLineArgs *) malloc(sizeof(CmdLineArgs));
    cmdline_init(cmdline);	/* set to null or default values all the fields of the struct */
    getargs(argc, argv, cmdline);	/* Get cmdline args */
    cmdline_finalize(cmdline);	/* Set to uppercase (or not). Add inverted a for crash (only 82p) */

    /* At this point, all cmdline args should be parsed correctly */ 

    if(cmdline->verbose) { 
    	puts("Bin8x v1.3 Ti-82/83/83+ squisher");
    	puts("Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Martijn Kuipers <central@hyperfield.com>");
    	puts("Copyright (C) 2003 Tijl Coosemans <tijl@ulyssis.org>");
    	puts("Copyright (C) 2004 Guillaume Hoffman <guillaume.h@ifrance.com>");
    	puts("Copyright (C) 2011 Thibault Duponchelle <t.duponchelle@gmail.com>");

    /* Concat extension */
    switch(cmdline->destcalc_id) {
	case EXT_82P:
		header[5] = '2';
		strcat(cmdline->output, ext82);
	case EXT_83P:
		strcat(cmdline->output, ext83);
	case EXT_8XP:
		header[6] = 'F';
		strcat(cmdline->output, ext8x);
		puts("\nError : not a valid extension!");
	/* At this point, all the informations are correct, we can do the real job */

    /* Unsquish the code if user asked for it (option -q) */
    if(cmdline->unsquish) {
	if((strcmp(cmdline->input, "__temp__.bin") == 0) || strcmp(cmdline->output, "__temp__.bin") == 0) {
		printf("You must use another input/output filename...\n");
	int ret = unsquish(cmdline->input);
	if(ret == 1)
		return 1;

    /* Unsquisher use a different file */	
    if (cmdline->input) {
		if(!(infile = fopen("__temp__.bin", "r"))) {
		    	puts("Error opening inputfile!");
		    	printf("File: __temp__.bin\n");
		    	return (2);
	} else {
		if (!(infile = fopen(cmdline->input, "r"))) {
		    puts("Error opening inputfile!");
		    printf("File: %s\n", cmdline->input);
		    return (2);
	printf("Using inputfile        : %s\n", cmdline->input);

	if (!(outfile = fopen(cmdline->output, "w"))) {
	    puts("Error opening outputfile!");
	    return (3);
	printf("Using outputfile       : %s\n", cmdline->output);

    printf("Filename on calculator : %s\n", cmdline->name);

    filesize = -1;

    if (cmdline->executable && cmdline->destcalc_id == EXT_8XP) {
	programData[filesize] = 0xBB;
	programData[filesize] = 0x6D;
    // UNTESTED : (works only for CrASH(19006))
    if (cmdline->destcalc_id == EXT_82P) {
	programData[filesize] = 0xD5;
	programData[filesize] = 0x00;
	programData[filesize] = 0x11;

    while (!feof(infile)) {
	buffer = fgetc(infile);
	programData[filesize] = buffer;	/* put this byte in the data
					 * array, and increase the count */

    switch(cmdline->destcalc_id) {
	case EXT_82P:
		printf("Size on calculator     : %u bytes\n", filesize + strlen(cmdline->name) + 6);
		fileLenHH = HH(filesize + 0x11);	/* the file length = the size of the data array + 17 (0x11) */
		fileLenLL = LL(filesize + 0x11);
		varHeadLL = 0x0B;

	case EXT_83P:
		printf("Size on calculator     : %u bytes\n", filesize + strlen(cmdline->name) + 6);
		fileLenHH = HH(filesize + 0x11);	/* the file length = the size of the data array + 17 (0x11) */
		fileLenLL = LL(filesize + 0x11);
		varHeadLL = 0x0B;

	case EXT_8XP:
		printf("Size on calculator     : %u bytes\n", filesize + strlen(cmdline->name) + 8);
		fileLenHH = HH(filesize + 0x13);	/* the file length = the size of the data array + 19 (0x13) */
		fileLenLL = LL(filesize + 0x13);
		varHeadLL = 0x0D;
		puts("\nError : not a valid extension!");


    dataLenHH = HH(filesize + 2);	/* the length of the data includes the 2 checksum bytes */
    dataLenLL = LL(filesize + 2);

    programLenHH = HH(filesize);
    programLenLL = LL(filesize);

    checksum = 0x00;		/* begin with the checksum set on zero */

    for (i = 0; i < 11; i++)	/* write the static header */
	fputc(header[i], outfile);

    for (i = 0; i < 42; i++)
	fputc(comment[i], outfile);

    fputc(fileLenLL, outfile);	/* file length */
    fputc(fileLenHH, outfile);

    fputc(varHeadLL, outfile);	/* length of variable header */
    checksum += varHeadLL;	/* checksum calculs start here */
    fputc(varHeadHH, outfile);
    checksum += varHeadHH;

    fputc(dataLenLL, outfile);	/* length of data */
    checksum += dataLenLL;
    fputc(dataLenHH, outfile);
    checksum += dataLenHH;

    fputc(cmdline->progtype, outfile);	/* protected program */
    checksum += cmdline->progtype;

    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {	/* write the name of the variable */
	fputc(cmdline->name[i], outfile);
	checksum += cmdline->name[i];

    switch(cmdline->destcalc_id) {
	case EXT_8XP:
		puts("\nTI-83 Plus file made!!");
		fputc(0x01, outfile);
		checksum += 0x01;
		fputc(0x00, outfile);
		break; /* checksum += 0x00; */
	case EXT_83P:
		puts("\nPlain TI-83 file made!!");
	case EXT_82P:
		puts("\nTI-82 file made!!");
		puts("\nError : not a valid extension!");

    fputc(dataLenLL, outfile);
    checksum += dataLenLL;
    fputc(dataLenHH, outfile);
    checksum += dataLenHH;

    fputc(programLenLL, outfile);	/* length of program */
    checksum += programLenLL;
    fputc(programLenHH, outfile);
    checksum += programLenHH;

    for (i = 0; i < filesize; i++) {	/* now write the data array to the 
					 * file */
	fputc(programData[i], outfile);
	checksum += programData[i];	/* and add it to the checksum */

    fputc(LL(checksum), outfile);	/* write the checksum to the file */
    fputc(HH(checksum), outfile);

     * Close all Handles 


    return (0);

 * I use the following functions to ensure that the words 
 * (16 bit) are stored in LLHH order,
 * since we don't know what type of Endian the target platform uses

unsigned char
LL(unsigned short int toSplit)
    unsigned char   LL;
    LL = (toSplit & 0x00FF);
    return (LL);

unsigned char
HH(unsigned short int toSplit)
    unsigned char   HH;
    toSplit >>= 8;
    HH = (toSplit & 0x00FF);
    return (HH);

/* Print help */
void help(char *name, int ret)
    fprintf(stdout, "Bin8x v1.4 Ti-82/83/83+ squisher\n"
	    "\t\tCopyright (C) 2001 Peter Martijn Kuipers <central@hyperfield.com>\n"
	    "\t\tCopyright (C) 2003 Tijl Coosemans <tijl@ulyssis.org>\n"
	    "\t\tCopyright (C) 2004 Guillaume Hoffmann <guillaume.h@ifrance.com>\n\n"
	    "\t\t\033[01m%s\033[0m binfile [options]\n"
	    "\t\t\033[01m%s\033[0m -i infile -o outfile -n name [options]\n\n"
	    "\t\tbinfile  Binary output from your assembler, the .bin extension is assumed when\n"
	    "\t\t        not using the -i option. You must not give it.\n\n"
	    "\t\t-o   or -output       specific outputfile ([binfile].8?p if none given.\n"
	    "\t\t-n   or -calcname     specific filename on the calculator ([binfile] if\n"
	    "\t\t                      none given.\n"
	    "\t\t-i   or -input        specific inputfile, you should use -o and -n if you\n"
	    "\t\t                      use it. Also give the complete filename with extension.\n"
	    "\t\t-2   or -ti82         specify ti-82 file (CrASH(19006)).\n"
	    "\t\t-3   or -ti83         specify ti-83 file.\n"
	    "\t\t-p   or -ti83plus     specify ti-83 plus file.\n"
	    "\t\t-l   or -lowercase    do not convert calculator file name to uppercase.\n"
	    "\t\t-x   or -executable   force \"TIOS-executable\" bytes to the TI-83 Plus program\n"
	    "\t\t-u   or -unprotected  generate unprotected files (I don't see any use for\n"
	    "\t\t                      that, but you might...).\n"
	    "\t\t-q   or -unsquish     use it for regular 83 without shell\n"
	    "\t\t-v   or -verbose      provide a lot of informations while running\n"
	    "\t\tYou can only specify one calculator (with -82/ -83 / -83p) at a time.\n\n"
	    "\t\tPublised under the Gnu Public License - Greets to the Ti8x Assembly Scene\n",
	    name, name);


Voila pas de quoi revolutionner quoi que ce soit mais bin8x est bien sympa à utiliser wink


Deeph :comment fait-on pour utiliser la balise "box"?
Edit : c'est bon


Je me sens carrément seul sur ce coup là ... couic


(Désolé de ne pas avoir pu répondre plus tôt, ça fesait un moment que je n'était plus connecté, et là je poste via Android...)

Bref c'est sympa de voir encore pas mal de projets liés à l'asm z80 fleurirent, mais c'est vrai qu'avec spasm et wabbitsign on est déjà plus que bien équipés.

Sinon la fonction box je ne m'en suis jamais servit, ça sert peut être à créer des pop-ups, faudrait chercher sur yaronet...


Non c'est pas pour les popup mais pour créer des boite qui se deroulent un peu comme un spoiler mais avec une entête.
