Text area is not showing new lines properly in pdf. For example, if I have the following in textarea tags:


it will show:


in the generated PDF.

One possible fix: update public function parse() in parsingHtml.class.php:

// flag : are we in a <textarea> Tag?
$tagTextAreaIn = false;

...later down...

// if it ss a <textarea> tag, update the flag
// if it is a <pre> tag (or <code> tag) not auclosed => update the flag
if ($res['name']=='textarea') {
    $tagTextAreaIn = true;
elseif (($res['name']=='pre' || $res['name']=='code') && !$res['autoclose']) {
    $tagPreIn = !$res['close'];

...later down...

if ($part[0]=='txt') {
if ($tagTextAreaIn) { // we are in <textarea> tag
    $part[1] = str_replace("\r", '', $part[1]);
    $actions[] = array(
        'name'    => 'write',
        'close'    => false,
        'param' => array('txt' => $this->_prepareTxt($part[1], false)),
} elseif (!$tagPreIn) { // if we are not in a <pre> tag
    // save the action
    $actions[] = array(
        'name'    => 'write',
        'close'    => false,
        'param' => array('txt' => $this->_prepareTxt($part[1])),
} else ...



Updated code. Here is the complete code. It seems to work.

 * parse the HTML code
 * @access public
public function parse()
    $parents = array();

    // flag : are we in a <textarea> Tag ?
    $tagTextAreaIn = false;

    // flag : are we in a <pre> Tag ?
    $tagPreIn = false;

    // action to use for each line of the content of a <pre> Tag
    $tagPreBr = array(
                'name' => 'br',
                'close' => false,
                'param' => array(
                    'style' => array(),
                    'num'    => 0

    // tag that can be not closed
    $tagsNotClosed = array(
        'br', 'hr', 'img', 'col',
        'input', 'link', 'option',
        'circle', 'ellipse', 'path', 'rect', 'line', 'polygon', 'polyline'

    // search the HTML tags
    $tmp = array();

    // all the actions to do
    $actions = array();

    // foreach part of the HTML code
    foreach ($tmp as $part) {
        // if it is a tag code
        if ($part[0]=='code') {
            // analise the HTML code
            $res = $this->_analiseCode($part[1]);

            // if it is a real HTML tag
            if ($res) {
                // save the current posistion in the HTML code
                $res['html_pos'] = $part[2];

                // if the tag must be closed
                if (!in_array($res['name'], $tagsNotClosed)) {
                    // if it is a closure tag
                    if ($res['close']) {
                        // HTML validation
                        if (count($parents)<1)
                            throw new HTML2PDF_exception(3, $res['name'], $this->getHtmlErrorCode($res['html_pos']));
                        else if ($parents[count($parents)-1]!=$res['name'])
                            throw new HTML2PDF_exception(4, $parents, $this->getHtmlErrorCode($res['html_pos']));
                    } else {
                        // if it is a autoclosed tag
                        if ($res['autoclose']) {
                            // save the opened tag
                            $actions[] = $res;

                            // prepare the closed tag
                            $res['params'] = array();
                            $res['close'] = true;
                        // else :add a child for validation
                            $parents[count($parents)] = $res['name'];

                    // if it is a <textarea> tag and not auclosed =>, update the flag
                    // if it is a <pre> tag (or <code> tag) and not auclosed => update the flag
                    if ($res['name']=='textarea' && !$res['autoclose']) {
                        $tagTextAreaIn = !$res['close'];
                    elseif (($res['name']=='pre' || $res['name']=='code') && !$res['autoclose']) {
                        $tagPreIn = !$res['close'];


                // save the actions to convert
                $actions[] = $res;
            } else { // else (it is not a real HTML tag => we transform it in Texte
        // if it is text
        if ($part[0]=='txt') {
            if ($tagTextAreaIn) { // we are in <textarea> tag
                $part[1] = str_replace("\r", '', $part[1]);
                $actions[] = array(
                    'name'    => 'write',
                    'close'    => false,
                    'param' => array('txt' => $this->_prepareTxt($part[1], false)),
            } elseif (!$tagPreIn) { // if we are not in a <pre> tag
                // save the action
                $actions[] = array(
                    'name'    => 'write',
                    'close'    => false,
                    'param' => array('txt' => $this->_prepareTxt($part[1])),
            } else { // else (if we are in a <pre> tag)
                // prepare the text
                $part[1] = str_replace("\r", '', $part[1]);
                $part[1] = explode("\n", $part[1]);

                // foreach line of the text
                foreach ($part[1] as $k => $txt) {
                    // transform the line
                    $txt = str_replace("\t", self::HTML_TAB, $txt);
                    $txt = str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', $txt);

                    // add a break line
                    if ($k>0) $actions[] = $tagPreBr;

                    // save the action
                    $actions[] = array(
                        'name'    => 'write',
                        'close'    => false,
                        'param' => array('txt' => $this->_prepareTxt($txt, false)),

    // for each indentified action, we have to clean up the begin and the end of the texte
    // based on tags that surround it

    // list of the tags to clean
    $tagsToClean = array(
        'page', 'page_header', 'page_footer', 'form',
        'table', 'thead', 'tfoot', 'tr', 'td', 'th', 'br',
        'div', 'hr', 'p', 'ul', 'ol', 'li',
        'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6',
        'bookmark', 'fieldset', 'legend',
        'draw', 'circle', 'ellipse', 'path', 'rect', 'line', 'g', 'polygon', 'polyline',

    // foreach action
    $nb = count($actions);
    for ($k=0; $k<$nb; $k++) {
        // if it is a Text
        if ($actions[$k]['name']=='write') {
            // if the tag before the text is a tag to clean => ltrim on the text
            if ($k>0 && in_array($actions[$k-1]['name'], $tagsToClean))
                $actions[$k]['param']['txt'] = ltrim($actions[$k]['param']['txt']);

            // if the tag after the text is a tag to clean => rtrim on the text
            if ($k<$nb-1 && in_array($actions[$k+1]['name'], $tagsToClean))
                $actions[$k]['param']['txt'] = rtrim($actions[$k]['param']['txt']);

            // if the text is empty => remove the action
            if (!strlen($actions[$k]['param']['txt']))

    // if we are not on the level 0 => HTML validator ERROR
    if (count($parents)) throw new HTML2PDF_exception(5, $parents);

    // save the actions to do
    $this->code = array_values($actions);