Professional matchmakers - Eastern European matchmaker
Met on the Internet? Let's go on a date!
As you know, an interesting, promising acquaintance can happen anywhere, and on the Internet in particular. It is only necessary to click on the photo of the person you like, as, with a mutual desire, a correspondence begins, which gradually combines with conversations on the phone. After some time, a quite reasonable question arises: isn't it time, in fact, to meet and see each other firsthand? Surely it's time. That's just the prospect of a date with a mysterious familiar stranger, who in real life could be anyone, is a little scary. This is quite understandable and natural, but in order for your first date to go well, follow the instructions given. So…
Professional matchmakers - Eastern European matchmaker - INmatchmaking.
1. The most important thing at this stage is to listen to yourself and ask yourself if you are ready for the meeting. If something is bothering you, if you think that your fan is too persistent for a new acquaintance, then it's probably worth postponing the date and "meet" online for some time. Trust your intuition. As a rule, in such cases it does not fail.
2. If you still decide that there should be a date, remember that it is solely your right to set the time and place of the meeting. Offer to meet in a crowded place. If he refuses, it is a reason to think about, in fact, continuing the acquaintance. If you can't insist on meeting in a cafe or a park, it probably makes sense to refuse a date.
3. It should be remembered that the meeting should take place during the day. Not only for security purposes – just so you and your friend will get a better look at each other.
4. The first date is casual, and, as a rule, does not take much time. During these couple of hours, you can easily find common ground and prevent the depletion of the stock of topics of interest for discussion. A good option would be to meet for a cup of coffee somewhere in a cafe. If you don't like each other, you'll just go your separate ways.
5. In no case should you agree to the offer of a new acquaintance to give you a ride. Anyway, you're not familiar enough yet. Gently refuse and say that next time you will definitely take a ride with him.
6. You can give consent for your companion to walk you home. However, an invitation "for another cup of tea" is out of the question. Whatever pleasant impression he may have made on you, remember that in front of you, in fact, a stranger and almost a stranger.
7. Before you go on a date, do not forget to take your mobile phone. Be sure to tell your household where you are going and when you will be home.
8. It is quite natural that you may want to make a good impression on a new acquaintance, but it is worth remembering that moderation is important in everything. Bright makeup does not suit a young woman, but naturalness makes her attractive. A drop of perfume, discreet jewelry, comfortable clothes in which you feel comfortable – that's a charge of good mood and self-confidence for the whole evening.
9. And don't forget that if you don't like something and you feel uncomfortable, you have every right to say goodbye delicately and leave. No one holds you and does not oblige you to anything.
Following these instructions, listening to your own heart and intuition, you can have a good evening in the pleasant company of a new acquaintance.


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