
Solution for C3C Load Game Bug
Many Conquests players have been experiencing failures during the LOAD GAME process. We have some advice to improve matters, until the 1st patch is released. In the past, we've waited until all 8 players are in the room to begin the LOAD GAME process. Do it differently. Start the LOAD GAME with only two players in the room, then after the game loads successfully with 2 people present, allow the third to join, then the fourth, one at a time, with no overlapping, until all are in. This has proven to be a successful workaround for the current bug where the LOAD GAME either crashes or issues the error message "Host has cancelled game". It's frustrating, but loading "one at a time" a little bit slower, but successfuly, is a LOT better than loading "eight at a time" and crashing.
In CivGod we trust


Intérressant, j'avais pas encore lu ce post. Cela servira certainement un jour.



oui c'est meme super mais il faudra donc rentré par IP ou chaque 3 minutes en normal ??
Tout comprendre c'est tout pardonner. Ce qui n'implique pas l'approbation.