I'm writing a little useful program, but at the end of its execution, I want it to draw a string on the status line (ST_helpMsg), but since my program is in kernel mode, the screen is automatically restored after its execution, so the ST_helpMsg is erased. How could I correct this problem ? Is there a directive to ask the kernel to not restore the screen ?
« Quand le dernier arbre sera abattu, la dernière rivière empoisonnée, le dernier poisson capturé, alors vous découvrirez que l'argent ne se mange pas. »


Well, Kevin (nicely) answered me by mini-msg (since he's banned) :
asm(".xdef _flag_2");

Actually, the information was given in ProgFormatV6.txt (I only looked in SDK.txt) :
Flags           $0011   1       Flags
                                        bit 0 - runs on 92+ if set
                                        bit 1 - runs on 89 if set
                                        bit 2 - redraw the screen after the end of the program if clear
                                        bit 3 - create a copy of the archived program if clear
                                        bit 4 - runs on Ti-92 if set
                                        bit 5 - runs on V200 if set
« Quand le dernier arbre sera abattu, la dernière rivière empoisonnée, le dernier poisson capturé, alors vous découvrirez que l'argent ne se mange pas. »


I had a question about this byte quite a while ago and just forgot about it. Well, here it is:
=> What does bit #3 do exactly?

The point is, it is not the kernel but the TIOS that creates a copy of the program before running it, and it will not follow what's written in this byte, will it?
Or did I miss something when I investigated this?

Of course, I had a look at this because I was trying to use this feature. I think it should be possible if my program has no static variable and does not use dynamic libraries. Then came the how: up to date, my only idea is to have a small launcher program start the real one.


This bit (#3) is intended for libraries.
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As I said before, Preos 0.70 is buggy for this flag (I thought I had reinstalled it).

>The point is, it is not the kernel but the TIOS that creates a copy of the program before running it,
> and it will not follow what's written in this byte, will it?
Well, Preos >= 0.70 undoes what AMS does, and does it in its own way, which means if the bit 3 of your program is set, then your program is really run from the archive memory! But since it doesn't disable the exec from memory protection, it crashes immediately.


: As I said before, Preos 0.70 is buggy for this flag (I thought I had reinstalled it).

Looks like 0.71 is, too. Are you gonna fix this for 0.72 at least?
Mes news pour calculatrices TI: Ti-Gen
Mes projets PC pour calculatrices TI: TIGCC, CalcForge (CalcForgeLP, Emu-TIGCC)
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