Let you all know several things about the three products that B&C recently annouced.

1. It's my fault regarding the Daemon's Gate. I did my best to check it out, but obviously not good enough. I found this game mixed among source code for Jaguar encryption software. I was just happy that it was found. It appeared to be a pretty complete game. Bruce was going off of my recommendations. And of course he was struggling with the pricing. Hard to gage exactly how much it was going to cost to make.

2. Demolition Man video CD. This CD is a compilation of work I DID to make it. The video and audio source was all in RAW data format. I spent hours pieceing together all the still frames into Quicktime video, converting raw audio recordings into AIF audio files, splicing everything together, and then converting it into Jaguar cinepak format. Yes, it appears it original source that was used to make the 3D0 verison. But this Jaguar verison was something that I created so people who don't have a 3D0 (like me; won't waste money on that system) could get an idea of what the game was all about. Also on the CD is 5 short video sequences from the game Commander Blood (no audio).

3. Barkley Shut Up n Jam. This is the final and encrypted game (encrypted by Atari; not with the universal encryption header). Atari obviously had paid to license this game. Why else would they encrypt it? It was encrypted in January 1996 and Bruce own's the official original disks that the cartridge ROM images came on. So if it was up to the Tramiels, the Jaguar community would've never seen this game. They were too busy keeping the share holders occupied while they weazeled out of their obligations to them.

Bruce is a good man. He's been supporting the Atari community for over 20 years. Times have been tough for him and he's a very buzy trying to keep his business afloat. And I'm doing my best to help him find some of these lost treasures that exist on the various hard drives that came out of Atari. All I ask is be patient with him.

I can understand some of the comments that you people make about him. If you never have talked with someone before and you call them to order something and they get short with you... I understand. First impressions are very difficult to over come, especially when they are bad. I'm asking you to not condem him based on one phone call or email, if that's the case.

All I can say is he's doing his best to organize. He's still dealing with the move he made of relocating a business from Silicon Valley to the Sierra foothills. And doing this all at the same of running a business and trying to build cartridges.

Keep in mind, Jaguar cartridges are not cheap to make!! Especially with the Barkley game. It's a 4MB game!!

I'm done...



Raison de plus pour s'associer avec Songbird. non ?
"Baissez les yeux mon divin père, je ne suis qu'un grain de poussière" La Fille d'Octobre - Sur ma Lune

Vous chercher d'un hôtel de charme à Paris ? Les Hôtels du Pré

Association Retro-gaming Connexion : http://www.retro-gc.fr Retrouvez nous aussi sur FaceBook!
Mes achats et mes ventes.


oui, mais ds un sens je le comprend aussi, il a mis une somme considérable dans ces enchères, pourquoi le fruit de son investissement irait chez qqun d'autre ?

On verra bien comment ça évolue ces prochains jours, mais je crois que le gars est surtout dégouté, d'avoir mis autant de fric dedant, de produire des cartouches et de se faire insulter en retour...

Je propose l'envoi d'un petit mail de soutient, vs en pensez quoi ?


Oui tu as raison.

Il a depensé bcp d'argent pour ces ordis, et puis c'est que cela semble difficile de trouvé des composants pr les cartouches jag. Il fait de son mieux, mais ...

Enfin quoiqu'il en soit envoyons lui un mail de soutien.
"Baissez les yeux mon divin père, je ne suis qu'un grain de poussière" La Fille d'Octobre - Sur ma Lune

Vous chercher d'un hôtel de charme à Paris ? Les Hôtels du Pré

Association Retro-gaming Connexion : http://www.retro-gc.fr Retrouvez nous aussi sur FaceBook!
Mes achats et mes ventes.


Oui, je suis aussi partant pour le mail de soutien mais honnêtement là, g pas trop le temps de l'écrire (en Anglais en plus...). Mais je le signerai !
Florian M.



Bah écoutez le mieux est d'envoyer des mails séparement... Ca a plus d'impact !

Ecrivez juste deux ou trois lignes en english et le tour est joué smile
