I am new to the forum but I see many unanswered questions. Is the project alive? Seem to be an amazing project with great value.

Thank you


Spipu hasn't said anything about HTML2PDF being abandoned, but he's not released any new version nor replied on the forum for quite some time, so the project definitely seems to be in standby.

« Tout homme porte sur l'épaule gauche un singe et, sur l'épaule droite, un perroquet. » — Jean Cocteau
« Moi je cherche plus de logique non plus. C'est surement pour cela que j'apprécie les Ataris, ils sont aussi logiques que moi ! » — GT Turbo


Spipu is a young dad with a baby at home. I dont think that htmlpdf is a top priority for him



Call : spipu appelé(e) sur ce topic...

it might be worth posting a new pinned topic to keep new joiners informed of the status of the project (and hopefully find some new maintainer if you're not willing to continue it yourself), don't you think?
All right. Keep doing whatever it is you think you're doing.
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I really hope is not dead. html2pdf has like 6K LOC, thats pretty amazing. And it works. As a php programmer is nice to know that we can count on this kind of tool in our projects, I am really bad understanding other people code except mine. It will be nice if someone can take over, at least for bug fixes.


HI All !

I do not have time to continue this beautiful project sad

But I don't want it do die ! So, I look at people to take care of it.

It is now on GitHub https://github.com/spipu/html2pdf/ => now everybody can participate by doing branches form the master, and make a pull request !


Laurent / Spipu


Bonjour à tous ,

Je n'ai plus le temps de m'occuper de ce beau projet sad

Mais je ne veux pas qu'il soit abandonné ! Du coup je cherche des personnes pour reprendre le flambeau.

Les sources sont maintenant sur GitHub : https://github.com/spipu/html2pdf/ => Tout le monde peut participer en faisant des branches et des pull request !

Merci à tous,

Laurent / Spipu
Ancien pseudo : lolo