News: Feds Probe US Game Industry, Acclaim CEO steps down
July 22, 2003 8:30 PM PST
CNBC / Reuters / JH


The FTC and SEC is auditing the entire US videogame software industry, most notably Acclaim, Activision, Midway and THQ, to discover if millions of dollars of revenue were unaccounted for between the period of 1996-2002. EA and Take-Two have been investigated under similar but separate charges. This stems from a long-standing suspicion that the software industry manipulates “reserve accounts”, that normally are subtracted from revenue to account for defective or returned software.

A Los Angeles based financial analyst published his findings that Midway and other companies’ revenue grew faster than their stock prices. This added to speculation that software companies dumped gross earnings into reserve accounts during a bull market, and withdrew from this fund during a bear market. In order to stabilize their stock price, the companies would report lesser earnings during a bull market, and greater earnings during a bear market.

Amidst these allegations, Gregory Fischbach, co-founder and CEO of Acclaim stepped down but will remain as Co-Chairman and Member of Board of Directors. It is quite possible that the companies in immediate investigation are also suffering in sales, which may be a motivation to commit said manipulation of reserve funds.


comment veut tu qu on leur fasse comprendre que les jv sont de l art alors que eux ne pense qu au €!!!!!!madyelmad
l homme n est pas fait pour travailler.....
la preuve ca le fatigue!!!!!


L'art du pognon !
la passion du jeux vidéo retro et alternatif, du retrogaming, , des pratiques retro videoludique etc...


et moi je pratique l art ancestral du "largue ton pognon et demande pas"
l homme n est pas fait pour travailler.....
la preuve ca le fatigue!!!!!


Iol ne faut pas oublier oublie que ces sociétés ne vivent pas que des JV mais aussi de la techniologie qu'elles créent , un exemple Midway possède la licenses des voloants à retour de force sur Arcade, donc je présume que toutes boites volant crée une borne d'arcade avec un volant à retour de force doit payer des royalties à Midway.
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