fab> oue, t'en vois courrir sur les cotes des fois oui
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


xeno`> pas ici, on est hygiéniques

Prise de tête: PhD dans la mire.

Mon site TI 83+ et 83+SE (mort)
Le forum TI 83+ de yAronet !!! (rattaché au site..)


c'est chauffé grâce aux motrices :d


et on remonte un topic ! un ! tongue
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana (1863 - 1952), [I]The Life of Reason[/I], Volume 1, 1905

La Seconde Guerre mondiale, la guerre du Millénaire
1939-1945 : LE MONDE EN GUERRE LE forum francophone sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale


nan, 2tongue


bah non, 1
The truth is a waste of time, when we're conditioned to understand
Lies are the right was as we watch the blind leading the blind

[La DNC-Team] Un club plein de mystère


ba& non, 2