est-ce que quelqu'un ayant un bon niveau d'anglais pourrait corriger mon texte, point de vue grammaire et orthographe.
merci d'avance!

It was in the night. The weather was stormy and there were a lot of claps of thunder. Suddenly there is a shout. Cédric was going to the room of his parents and he asked them if he must to sleep with them. The father of Cédric accepted, and Cédric went between his father and his mother. There was again a shout. Then the grandfather of Cédric arrived in the room. He wanted to say something but the father of Cédric didn’t let him speak because he thought that the grandfather wanted sleep with them too. He shouted and the grandfather went out of the room.
The next day, when the parents of Cédric woke up, there was a lot of water in their living room.
That was what the grandfather wanted to say!


there is a shout: there was a shout (pr la concordance c'est mieux)
to the room of his parents: to his parents' room
if he must to sleep with them (=s'il avait l'obligation de dormir avec eux?) pr la permission: if he could sleep with them
The father of Cédric : cedric's father (à remplacer plusieurs fois ds ton texte)
the grandfather of Cédric : cedric's grandfather
grandfather wanted sleep with them : wanted TO sleep...
the parents of Cédric : cedric's parents

juste par curiosité, tu es à quel niveau d'étude?


Ca me rassure, ce sont les mêmes corrections que moi! hehe


merci beaucoup!!!
euh, c'est ma deuxième année d'anglais à 4h par semaine mais je ne suis vraiment pas douée pour les langues tongue