
<Lordevil> sup
<mongoose> not much.. what are you up to?
<Lordevil> oh well, just talking a bit if you have any time
<mongoose> ok.. have a look at this first, I think you'll like it... http://central.masterzen.net/index.php?showtopic=3432
<Lordevil> omg
<Lordevil> that is insane !

<mongoose> I am still in recovery
<Lordevil> i understand how it could hurt
<Lordevil> and u waste a vip ticket !!!!!!!

<mongoose> I said it wasn't wasted... one less jackass in the event
<Lordevil> damn u !
<mongoose> that seems to be the general consensus
<Lordevil> it is inhuman to do that to us
<mongoose> I told a friend of mine here in town about the dancing with the Strip Club manager, he just about flipped... he said every guy that comes into that club is after her
<Lordevil> it's impressing how Hef's bed still that black
<mongoose> HA!
<mongoose> can you imagine the absolute depravity that's taken place on that bed?
<mongoose> I don't think you have met VonClauswitz of 1BC.. let me invite him in
von Clausewitz has been added to the conversation.
<mongoose> Von Clausewitz, meet lordevil.... and vice versa
<Lordevil> hi
<von Clausewitz> hello
<Lordevil> brb phone
<mongoose> k
<Lordevil> ok
<Lordevil> sorry
<Lordevil> nice to meet u von claus (

<von Clausewitz> ok
<von Clausewitz> nice to meet you as well
<mongoose> damnit... I'm going to throw this phone out the f'ing window!
<Lordevil> lol, i was about to say the same thing
<Lordevil> but if i were u moongoose, i would keep it...u never know if someday one of these chicks can call u

<von Clausewitz> right, long live the bunnies!
<Lordevil> damnit, November'99 is pretty cute
<mongoose> anyway.. I was going to tell VonC, but I'll tell you too... I talked to a friend of mine today...
<Lordevil> and ?
<mongoose> and was telling him about the strippers that showed up.. and I told him about the one girl that had been dancing with me, most of the night... I told him that she was the manager, and he about passed out.. he said that every guy that goes in there is after her...
<Lordevil> lol
<Lordevil> ur damn lucky

<von Clausewitz> very nice
<Lordevil> oh well, let's talk about civ or i will get mad jealous
<von Clausewitz> ing out soon?
<von Clausewitz> why did only the last half show up?
<mongoose> hehe.. okay... well, as you know, we are currently researching math... and you are researching CoL, correct? or maybe you are completing it?
<von Clausewitz> anyway is a 1.20 patch coming out soon?
<Lordevil> yeah we are still looking for it
<mongoose> not sure..I've heard talk...haven't really paid much attention till everyone decides to switch
<Lordevil> it is suppose too but not sure we will play with it anyway
<Lordevil> in 1.20, enkidu will cost 15 shield, it would be nice for us

<mongoose> oh, they would complain about that!
<von Clausewitz> hurray
<Lordevil> but i guess that we wont switch before to be sure that this patch is ok
<mongoose> yes, considering some of the previous patch issues, that's probably wise
<Lordevil> anyway, if everything is allright, they will die before we have to switch
<von Clausewitz> hurray
<Lordevil> i just want to know how is it going with the mercs
<mongoose> hehe.. we can only hope
<mongoose> we have heard nothing from them
<Lordevil> i know that u are suppose to deal with them for their participation in this war
<mongoose> I know that they had the issue with the Feudals, but we haven't heard back from them
<von Clausewitz> what is with the whole thing between the feudals and the mercs? the trading a tech away was breaking a deal?
<mongoose> I asked them to figure out the cost of taking the southern city, but still nothing
<Lordevil> yeah i read this issue...GF is just faking
<Lordevil> well, they was a clause of non trade in one of the tech they have excahnge with the mercs

<mongoose> yes, the feudals and mercs agreed to a trade as long as the mercs didn't trade the techs to us.. the mercs traded it to someone else, and there was a misunderstanding
<Lordevil> but the mercs forgot it and still share it
<mongoose> by us, I mean yargos or 1bc
<von Clausewitz> so there is a 5th team around from what i gathered fom that
<Lordevil> i believed first that was with you
<Lordevil> i was like a bit surprising
<Lordevil> von : yeah it's what i understand too

<von Clausewitz> we havent got anything from the mercs since we traded writing
<Lordevil> if u need anything, please ask us before
<Lordevil> i think that it is not in our interest to give the opportunities to the mercs to be tech advanced

<von Clausewitz> true
<Lordevil> they will probably be paid to f*k us one day
<von Clausewitz> as far as we know they are researching maps
<mongoose> well, as it turns out, we have acquired Mysticism from the "mysterious" fifth civ they are the Latinos.....
<Lordevil> i didnt know u need it, we woug give it to u
<von Clausewitz> we gave the wheel
<Lordevil> i told u hat we acquired it from sumer before the war, didnt i ?
<mongoose> we just found them on what we think is an island, but we haven't gotten all the way around it with Voyager.... we didn't need it that bad, but we are trying to establish a relationship with the Latinos.. and thought that was a good way
<Lordevil> yeah i understand
<mongoose> a new tech partner other than the mercs would be a good thing
<von Clausewitz> they said they know the mercs
<Lordevil> it's weird cuz the mystiscim is the tech on which the non-sharing clause was on
<mongoose> 3 can do more than 2
<Lordevil> i would believe that the latino would have it if they know the mercs
<mongoose> that's where Latinos got it, I'm sure.. the mercs.. that was the misunderstanding
<Lordevil> yeah yeah
<von Clausewitz> and the no trade was for us and then the mecrs trade it to the latinos who trade to us so the feudals did get screwed if they didnt want us to get it
<Lordevil> it was fun how GF said that was the way for them to buy the peace with you
<Lordevil> and they attacked u !

<mongoose> haha
<von Clausewitz> so if they would trade it to you, the yargos, and not to us, 1bc, then i think that the feudals were planning to attack us regardless of the alliance - which they couldn't have known about
<Lordevil> i'm sure that they were about to attack you cuz we were too advanced for them
<Lordevil> but we just ruined their plans by attacking them

<mongoose> yes.. and they are sooooo happy
<von Clausewitz> having uber running the show by himself was a good sign they would do something
<Lordevil> hehe u know Uber that much ?
<von Clausewitz> just from what i see and read
<Lordevil> lol, true
<Lordevil> i feel some hate against the frenchies

<von Clausewitz> he hasn't been the most pleasent person to negotiate with
<mongoose> Uber is not the most level headed individual on the face of the earth... yeah.. GF.. frenchy skulls were going to be their currency..I have to admit I got a laugh out of that
<Lordevil> lol, me too
<Lordevil> so we dont have any news from the mercs ?

<mongoose> nothing... hang on one sec
<Lordevil> do u know how much they ask to plunder sumer ?
<Lordevil> k

<mongoose> Togas is on MZO.. sent him a PM to meet me on IRC... I'll hang out there for a bit to see if he shows
<Lordevil> who is togas ?
<Lordevil> are u talking to me or to von ?

<mongoose> Togas is the head of the mercs
<Lordevil> oh i believed it was unothdox
<mongoose> well.. both of them, to an extent..I have talked to Togas more than any of them
<Lordevil> ok ok
<mongoose> he is there...
<Lordevil> with this damn break contract, it will be difficult to convince mercs to enter into this war against feudal i guess
von Clausewitz has left the conversation.
von Clausewitz has been added to the conversation.
[20:47] <Togas> what can we do for you?
[20:47] <mongoose201> just wondering if you have arrived at a figure for our proposal
[20:48] <Togas> no figure yet. But we might be able to if you can tell us:
[20:48] <Togas> when the attack will be made
[20:49] <Togas> what target(s0
[20:49] <Togas> target(s)
[20:49] <Togas> what objective ... just an attack? Capture? Raize?
[20:49] <Togas> we'll then determine how many units and be able to come up with a price for ya
[20:49] <Togas> oh, and btw, .... nice pictures at MZO from the party
[20:49] <mongoose201> ok.. I'll bring this before the people to come up with a specific request...
<Lordevil> in fact, i think that i would request them specifically to plunder Mecca
<Lordevil> what is the prize to plunder evry ground improvement of Mecca ?

<mongoose> oohhhhh.. that's good.. hang on
<mongoose> which city is mecca? is that the southern city or the capital?
<Lordevil> no, the capital
<Lordevil> it was Ur

<mongoose> [20:55] <mongoose201> Ok.. we have come up with something simple.. We would like a price from pillaging all improved ground squares around Mecca
[20:55] <mongoose201> for pillaging*
[20:56] <mongoose201> timeline: as soon as you can do it
[20:56] <Togas> mecca = capital?
[20:58] <mongoose201> the capital.. it was Ur, I guess.. maybe they changed it... we can't see it
<Lordevil> yes it was, u can see it in the F11 menu
<Lordevil> it's their capital Ur

<mongoose> ahhh.. ok
<mongoose> [21:01] <mongoose201> the capital city.. whatever it is they like to change names all the time
[21:02] <mongoose201> They named one of their endikus "Crusher of infadels"... I sent them a message with the save that said "you misspelled infidel, pagans"... the next turn they had spelled it Infedel
[21:02] <Togas> yes they do
[21:02] <Togas> I'll post this request. I think we could do that relatively easily once we get MM done and build a cadre of tile-destroying spears
[21:02] <Togas> probably w/in 20 turns
[21:04] <Togas> I'll post this request to my team tonight. We can work up some formal language and a proposal to you within a few days
[21:04] <mongoose201> ok.. thanks
<Lordevil> nice
<von Clausewitz> sounds good
<Lordevil> add that we ant a price for a success not only for a try
<von Clausewitz> see if they cant catch us a worker as well
<mongoose> if we pay them.. that would be in the language.. they are not going to lose a spearman or two and quit
<Lordevil> i hope so..mercs is mercs u know
<mongoose> hehe, yeah
<mongoose> well.. I have to go get a couple things done.. I'll be on a little later.. good talkin to ya
<Lordevil> ok thanks
<mongoose> no prob
<von Clausewitz> ok bye
<Lordevil> if u need anything, plz dont hesitate to contact me
<mongoose {back later}> sure thing
<Lordevil> later
<von Clausewitz> ok i have you on the list now
von Clausewitz has left the conversation.
<mongoose {back later}> damn.. he left quick.. lol



<Lordevil> sup
<mongoose> oh, dealing with PTW ISDG crap, what are you up to?
<Lordevil> hehe how can u still play PTW ? it sucks
<mongoose> well, I'm the game admin for the Intersite game
<Lordevil> i was just wondering if u have any news from Mercs
<mongoose> it started with PTW, and it still is in PTW
<Lordevil> ugh..poor u
<mongoose> yeah.. no, nothing yet from them
<Lordevil> they asked me if i know someone who has math
<Lordevil> do they know that ua rea researching for math ?

<mongoose> no
<Lordevil> should i tell them ?
<mongoose> I don't care, it wouldn't hurt for them to know, I don't think
<Lordevil> yeah, but they might be interested in math for catapult and Zeus
<Lordevil> it would be a good tech to sell
<Lordevil> i'm sure that they will propose u to make a deal like MM vs math

<mongoose> that's possible... we would like mm
<mongoose> they don't have philosophy either
<Lordevil> of course..but in the other hand, i wouldn't like them have math :/
<Lordevil> good thing

<mongoose> well, they wouldn't have it for a while, if they did, it will be a several turns before we have it
<Lordevil> i'm just afraid they sell math to sumer if we trade with them
<Lordevil> wihch would be not a good thing for us
<Lordevil> enkidu+catapult= death

<mongoose> we could stipulate it as part of the trade agreement
<Lordevil> with what happen to Sumer and the non-trade contract, i'm not sure we can rely on it, lol
<mongoose> well, that was a misunderstanding... they traded it to the Latinos, but GF didn't realize that's who it was
<Lordevil> anyway, we have time to think about it
<mongoose> yes, we do
<Lordevil> i just wanted to be sure to give them any info that make u mad
<Lordevil> i wont tell them that u are looking for math
<Lordevil> they dont need to know yet

<mongoose> yeah.. don't do it... if he asks us, I will tell him, but if they don't ask, they don't need to know
<mongoose> ohh.. just got a PM from togas
We have not officially come up with a price for the contract, however, we have devised a pricing scheme that should make this contract and all future contracts, much easier to price and predict for both us and our clients.
We are now voting on this pricing scheme and will notify you within a few days after it is ratified.
<Lordevil> ok thanks for the info
<Lordevil> did u manage to catch the enkidu and save John ?

<mongoose> no, he is next to our capital now... don't know what happend to Big John... maybe disbanded
<Lordevil> damn, they will pay for that
<mongoose> I would agree
<Lordevil> if u need any help, dont hesitate to ask us
<Lordevil> they will probably try to plunder ur capital

<mongoose> I suspect they will try, but we will get them before they get much done
<Lordevil> fine
<Lordevil> well, guess it's time to sleep for me
<Lordevil> good night dude

<mongoose> ok.. see ya


Les coûts des mercenaires d'après le capitaine de 1BC. MP recu dans ma boite sur MZO.

Message Forwarded From Togas


Here's what we've come up with:


10 gold up front in advance to begin a contract.
10 gold for each successfull action *
10 gold to remain anonymous.

*Successfull actions will include: Pillaging tiles, offensively killing units, capturing a city, each (number?) turn(s) of successfull defense of city, and gifting the city to team of employers choosing.

All only as described by the contract. If we pillage a resource in order to assist an attack, that would not be charged unless we were ASKED to pillage that resource.

So, example:

We are hired to attack X city. X city has 3 defenders.

We are paid 10 gold up front to take the contract. Our stack is preemptively attacked and kills 2 units in defense, those are not charged. We kill 3 defending units, thus gain 30 gold, capture that city, another 10, and raze the city, no charge. Total contract: 50 gold. 10 advance, 40 upon completion.

Now, for the later ages, risk becomes greater and money becomes more prevalent. Thus I propose the following options:

10 gold per age increase:

20 gold up front
20 gold per successful action
20 gold for confidentiality



Therefore, for the contract you have proposed, it would cost you 10g + every tile you want us to raize. If you tell us to just raize as many as possible, we'll bill you for each one we successfully destroy. You may also choose to make this confidential for an additional 10g. Your call.

If the contract is not confidential, we will only reveal your identity AFTER it has been completed (or during completion in some situations) by posting the contract and the client in our public thread. We obviously would never reveal the contract before it has been executed, nor will we reveal that we are even discussing a contract.



mongoose says:
Lordevil says:
mongoose says:
what are you up to?
Lordevil says:
i luv ur picture
mongoose says:
hehe.. yeah.. I like switching them
Lordevil says:
we are doing a test, do u know that we are building a wonder ?
mongoose says:
I do now .. I was going to F7 this turn to see if anyone was
Lordevil says:
well, we just want to make a test..just to know when sumer will do Zeus
mongoose says:
Lordevil says:
we were wondering if our advisor would say us
mongoose says:
I just forwarded you what Togas just sent me.... PM at MZO
Lordevil says:
so we change our production in one of town and just want u to tell us if ur advisor tell u what we are doing
Lordevil says:
mongoose says:
mongoose says:
I think that seems pretty fair
Lordevil says:
yeah it s less expensive than what their proposed us at the beginning of the game
mongoose says:
Lordevil says:
i think that if we split the amount, it would be really a good solution instead of sending our own warrior to pillage
mongoose says:
agreed... we could concentrate on Medina.. or whatever it's named
Lordevil says:
well, i dont think Medina is a problem, they cant do anything in there except to defend and to pray
mongoose says:
Lordevil says:
i'm more worried about Ur and the southern city we dont know
mongoose says:

Dark Vengeance has been added to the conversation.

mongoose says:
meet newly returned team member, Dark Vengeance...
Lordevil says:
hi dark
Dark Vengeance says:
Hi. How are you?
Lordevil says:
i will post the Togas answer on my forum
Lordevil says:
i'm fine and u ?
mongoose says:
mongoose says:
posting it in ours now
Lordevil says:
i will let u know asap what we are able to pay
Dark Vengeance says:
good, thank you
Dark Vengeance says:
sounds like a deal is going down.
mongoose says:
see the mercenary communication thread, DV
Dark Vengeance says:
will do.
Lordevil says:
it's really nice
Lordevil says:
i think that we will probably ask them to pillage all the Ur (Mecca) tiles
mongoose says:
Oh... those poor feudals will be HOT over that... fighting two civs and a third starts pillaging
Lordevil says:
hehehe that's so cheap that i'm afraid Feudals will use it against us
mongoose says:
well.. all they have up our way is one warrior.. they couldn't do much with that before it's death
Lordevil says:
sure we will see them coming anyway
mongoose says:
The Latinos were wanting to just buy tech from us.. we would rather trade, but that would be funding for merc activity.. and we already have trading partners
Lordevil says:
they are closer to Feudals so it wont be difficult for them
Lordevil says:
next time, just tell us, we would give u mystiscim and share the latinos money
mongoose says:
ohhhhh.. I hadn't thought of that
Lordevil says:
well, i didnt expect that u will find another team that soon
mongoose says:
we didn't either, honestly... we didn't think there would be another so close... we expected them to be across the ocean
Lordevil says:
once again, just let me know each time u have a trade or negociation
Lordevil says:
we are partner
Lordevil says:
and we will improve quickly toghether
mongoose says:
yep.. you still there DV? or did you fall asleep?
Dark Vengeance says:
yep, i'm here. catching up
Lordevil says:
i promise that i will do the same
mongoose says:
well, it's like we said before... our civ traits go well together for a partnership
Lordevil says:
our synergie will lose its effect if we allow others to have our tech too fast..we need to slow them dow asap
mongoose says:
one sec.. loading the game
Dark Vengeance says:
3 techs back ... at least.
Lordevil says:
what u mean DV ?
Dark Vengeance says:
you can't do it right away, but you can do it slowly.
Dark Vengeance says:
allowing others to have techs. If you trade techs for money, that is.
Lordevil says:
well, i want to avoid to trade with others if possible..just trade when we can see that we have are tech advanced
Dark Vengeance says:
Lordevil says:
the worst is the mercennary

von Clausewitz has been added to the conversation.

Dark Vengeance says:
that's kind of what I'm getting at.
mongoose says:
hiya VonC
Dark Vengeance says:
Hi vC.
Lordevil says:
if we give them too many techs, it would be against us one day
von Clausewitz says:
Lordevil says:
hi Von
von Clausewitz says:
who when what techs?
Dark Vengeance says:
For instance, if we trade tech for tech at some point, no tech would be traded to others until the next tech was discovered. They are 3 techs back.
mongoose says:
we are talking about selling techs to Latinos or anyone else
Lordevil says:
not necessary.
Dark Vengeance says:
I assume so.
von Clausewitz says:
the latinos?
Lordevil says:
only one of us should make a deal and share with the other team
Lordevil says:
for example if latinos wants math
Lordevil says:
u will deal them and share with us
von Clausewitz says:
I think the three of us working together could get us out of this era
Lordevil says:
if they want CoL, we will deal with them
Lordevil says:
and share with u
Lordevil says:
but no need to deal both with them
von Clausewitz says:
anyone know what they are researching now?
Lordevil says:
it s my main point
Dark Vengeance says:
Dark Vengeance says:
mongoose says:
no.. we need to reply to their communication as well.. we need to get an idea what they are researching
Lordevil says:
i didnt tell mercs what we are researching yet, neither for u
von Clausewitz says:
no sense giving them two techs for one
Lordevil says:
well, mercs is looking for MM
mongoose says:
yes.. mercs should be not far from MM
Lordevil says:
yeah but we need to talk toghether each time we have a deal in preparation
Dark Vengeance says:
that's why I suggested '3 techs behind' for everyone else.
Lordevil says:
3 tech behind is too far..if we have 3 tech advance, i would never be worry
Lordevil says:
it really depends
Lordevil says:
sometime, we may need a tech that other civ have
Lordevil says:
brb my gf is going to sleep
mongoose says:
she can't do it without you?
Dark Vengeance says:
mongoose says:
Dr. Seuss is good to read for bedside story
mongoose says:
I would recommend "The Lorax"
Dark Vengeance says:
You are ruthless!
von Clausewitz says:
well if we know what they are researching we can trade them. Just direct them away from researching things we already have or are researching
mongoose says:

von Clausewitz says:
thats rough
mongoose says:
sorry... I couldn't help it
von Clausewitz says:

Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
von Clausewitz says:
its ok
mongoose says:
no prob.. I had my fun while you were gone
Lordevil says:
lol, yeah i just read
mongoose says:
I'm going to move one of our warriors toward the iron hill
Lordevil says:
MM is instersting and i think that they want math, u will probably have to deal with them
Lordevil says:
good idea it will give a good view to know if they bring others enkidu to help Medina
mongoose says:
lordevil.. I don't remember if we told you.. but we rid ourselves of the evil endiku last turn
Lordevil says:
nice !
Lordevil says:
did u manage to save John or he was disbanded ?
mongoose says:
we think they disbanded him
von Clausewitz says:
mongoose says:
he will be avenged
von Clausewitz says:
haven't seen him since
Lordevil says:
he will be in our pray
mongoose says:
you are very kind
Lordevil says:
did the enkidu win a battle or u managed to kill u at first time ?
Lordevil says:
*kill him
mongoose says:
first warrior killed it
Lordevil says:
wow, impressive
Lordevil says:
they may not have their GA yet then
mongoose says:
I don't know how the could
mongoose says:
Lordevil says:
the enkidu need a win for their GA
mongoose says:
yes, and I don't think they have one
von Clausewitz says:
are they in a golden age or not? as far as we know they are not
Dark Vengeance says:
Only if they won against someone else.
von Clausewitz says:
Lordevil says:
we didnt engage any battle yet, so if u managed to kill the enkidu in first attempt, they are not in GA
von Clausewitz says:
they attacked us for no reason other than they wanted to
Lordevil says:
it's a possibility Von
mongoose says:
ah.. lordevil.. according to our advisor, we show you building the Colossus in Armagh... is that what you wanted to test?
Lordevil says:
yes, thank you
mongoose says:
currently, we could offer Writing to the Latinos... which means they don't have philosophy either.. I think we could offer to sell that without worry
Lordevil says:
well, it dpeends the price they are ready to pay for it
mongoose says:
they are likely talking to the mercs about a similar arrangemetn
Lordevil says:
yeah that's why i agree to give them writting but we need to have a good price for it..to pay the mercs in order to pillage Feudals
mongoose says:

Lordevil says:
have they another tech to giove u or just money ?
mongoose says:
I think just money.. that's what they led us to believe
Lordevil says:
Dark Vengeance says:
Maybe they are trying to recoup costs from another deal?
mongoose says:
how would they recoup costs by paying money out?
Dark Vengeance says:
getting a tech and selling it to someone else.
von Clausewitz says:
there is no one for them to sell to
Dark Vengeance says:
mongoose says:
ah.. well... we could sell them writing and it would get them nowhere
von Clausewitz says:
they are a "backwards" civ
Lordevil says:
mongoose : how nowhere ?
Lordevil says:
it will allos them a lot of possibility
mongoose says:
as far as being able to trade or sell it to anyone else
mongoose says:
everyone else has it
Lordevil says:
it will allow them to research litterature or MM
Lordevil says:
it will prevent them to waste a lot of turn
von Clausewitz says:
which means the mercs could sell it to them before us if we wait to long
Lordevil says:
writing is one of the most expensive tech in antiquity behind Republic
Lordevil says:
true von, but we should be careful to not give it to them for cheap
von Clausewitz says:
thats the thing. what is selling off for cheap for us may be just enough for the mercs. Thats what they do.
von Clausewitz says:
if we hold out for say 100 gold, the mercs, bieng what they are, could sell at 50
mongoose says:
another question would be whether or not they could even afford 100 gold this early
Lordevil says:
we can ask an amount per turn
Dark Vengeance says:
Yeah, but they still need to "fund" their civ (although I do agree).
mongoose says:
Lordevil says:
i think that an amount of betwenn 7 and 10 per turn is a good deal
Lordevil says:
i will ask my scientist to make an estimation and will let u know asap if u want
Lordevil says:
well, i'm sorry but time for me to sleep if i want to go work tomorrow
Lordevil says:
in fact, i dont want to go work..but i have no choice
mongoose says:
ok.. I need to get some screenshots taken
Lordevil says:

mongoose says:
just say NO to work!
Lordevil says:
perhaps we can continue this conversation tomorrow
Lordevil says:
mongoose : i 'm sure u can sponsor me and pay my house then
von Clausewitz says:
i should be around at the same bat-time
mongoose says:
hehe.. I sponsor myself and a playboy party everynow and then
Dark Vengeance says:
I should be around ... for what it's worth.
mongoose says:
that's about it



I dont know where u are in ur negociations with the latinos but one of my advisor suggest this idea : they may have a deal with the Mercs for the MM. If it is the case, perhaps can u give them the writing if they promise to give u the MM as soon as they will have it ?
Otherwise, my defense minister suggest u to ask money (50) and workers. As u lost John in a tragic ambush, u may need some slaves to help others of your workers.

I hope that we can can met tonight or at least tomorrow to discuss about our strategy with the mercs against Feudals. I dont want to urge you but i'd rather give job to the Mercs before Feudals will have the money to do it.

Hope to have news form u soon,

Yargos Foreign Minister


Hi Mongoose,

Long time no see.
I would like to know if u are dealing with the mercs presently in order to
plunder Mecca.
Otherwise, maybe i might have to do it ?

My people want to hire the Mercs before Feudals have the opportunity to do
it..even if we know that mercs can' hurt us right now, they may be able to
do it later.

Thanks for answer.

Yargos Foreign Minister.


Hiya dude...

sorry for my absence, but I've been up to my eyeballs over the past few days... I
was online last night, but it appeared you were already gone... I'll get with you



Lordevil says:
Olivier says:
salut, ca va?
Lordevil says:
ouais, j'espere que le canadien va enfin faire quelque chose ce soir
Olivier says:
je mettrais pas un 2 la-dessus
Lordevil says:
maintenant que buffalo savent qu'ils sont éliminés, ils vont bien nous laisser marquer 1 ou 2 buts
Olivier says:
mais enfin on peut toujours espéré
Olivier says:
hé hé éh
Lordevil says:
sinon, pour le DG, est ce que tu sais si mongoose a parlé aux mercs ?
Olivier says:
non je crois pas. en tout cas il n'avais rien posté ce matin.
Olivier says:
en fait je ne sais pas si c'est parce qu'ils non pas répondu ou s'il n'a rien envoyé
Lordevil says:
arrf..faut qu'on se bouge avec les mercs
Olivier says:
j'ai été pas mal occupé au bureau cette semaine, j'ai pas trop suivi la partie...
Lordevil says:
ca fait plusieurs soir que je l'attends jusque 22h30 mais il n'est jamais là
Olivier says:
effectivement... je le vois souvent durant la journéeen général, mais il n'a pas été là cette semaine
Lordevil says:
en tout cas, si tu le vois, tu lui dis qu'il faudarit qu'on définisse une politique commune contre Sumer
Olivier says:
Lordevil says:
au fait est ce que vous avez fait un trade avec les latinos ?
Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
ouais mais ca c'est le resultat..il faut travailler sur les moyens la
Olivier says:
non, vous?
Lordevil says:
bah on les a pas encore rencontres
Olivier says:
ah... ca r`gle la question.
Olivier says:
En fait je sais pas si Mongoose vous l'avais dit (j'espère que je ne viole pas de secrets en disant ca), mais les latinos veulent acheter les techs, pas les échanger
Lordevil says:
oui ils nous l'a dit
Olivier says:
Lordevil says:
mongoose nous a demandé des conseils
Lordevil says:
je lui ai dit qu'il pouvait exiger soit exiger des travailleurs en plus de l'argent
Olivier says:
effectivement, c'est une bonne idée, même s'ils ne travaillent pas vite
Lordevil says:
soit leur donner ecriture et leur faire promettre de vous donner Mapmaking des qu'ils l'auront
Lordevil says:
ben surtout que vous avez perdu le pauvre John
Olivier says:
oui, on pleure encore sa perte
Lordevil says:
de toute facon, il est evident qu'a ce stade de la partir, Les latinos ne pourront pas vous payer tres cher
Olivier says:
c'est ce que je crois aussi, c'est pour ca que je suis pas trop en faveur de ca.
Olivier says:
mais avec des workers ca commence a valoir la peine
Olivier says:
es-tu avec Videotron?
Lordevil says:
de tout dépend de ce qu'ils sont prets a vous donner
Lordevil says:
Olivier says:
as-tu des problèmes de mail aujourd'hui?
Lordevil says:
moi, Bell, je les évite autant que possible
Lordevil says:
euh non
Olivier says:
ok. depuis jier j'ai de la misère à les recevoirs
Lordevil says:
mais je n'utilise jamais le mail de videotron



Nous avons contacté l'équipe des Mercs et nous voulons les engagés pour raser
la ville la plus proche de chez eux. Nos ressources financières étant limités
en début de partie et puisque les retombées du contrat bénéficieront à nos 2
empires, nous vous demandons si vous êtes prêts à signer et partager les frais
de ce contrat avec nous?

En unissant les richesses de nos 2 nations, nous pourrons parvenir à notre but
plus rapidement.

Voici les termes du contrat proposé aux Mercs (il n'est pas signé, nous
attendons qu'ils nous envoient les documents pour officialier le tout).

-Attaque et destruction de la ville la plus proche d'eux.
-Si le coût de cette opération atteint 100gp, ils doivent nous contacter pour
savoir si nous sommes prêts à extensionner le contrat (sauf si, exemple, la
ville n'est plus défenduu que par une unité blessée, alors là ils ont le feu
vert pour finir le travail).
-Le contrat n'est pas confidentiel, mais ils ne doivent pas révéler qui les
engages tant que le contrat n'est pas terminé.

Est-ce que les termes de ce contrat vous satisfont?

Nous attendrons de vos nouvelles avant de signer avec les Mercs.



Lettre envoyé + conversation suivante :

Lordevil says:
wooohooo !
Olivier says:
yes sir!
Olivier says:
go habs go
Lordevil says:
Go Habs go !
Lordevil says:

Lordevil says:
je m'en vais les voir samedi, c'est certain !
Olivier says:
je m'en doute! maudit chanceux
Olivier says:
en tout cas stationne pas ta voiture sur Ste-Catherine!
Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
c clair
Olivier says:
avez-vous recu mon email?
Lordevil says:
oui, je viens juste d'envoyer la réponse
Lordevil says:
désolé, je regardais le match pis sport 30
Olivier says:
ok, j'ai pas encore regardé. je reviens de chez un ami où on était 8 pour regarder le match
Lordevil says:
lol, bon bah on se comprend alors
Lordevil says:
en gros, nous sommes d'accord pour partager les frais comme nous l'avions promis au départ
Lordevil says:
par contre, je ne pense pas que le choix de la ville au sud de Mecca
Lordevil says:
soit bon
Olivier says:
excellent, je vais aller voir le mail tout de suite
Olivier says:
Olivier says:
c'est pas une ville assez importante?
Lordevil says:
parce que qu'est ce que les mercs vont faire une fois la ville rasée à ton avis ?
Olivier says:
éventuellement prendre la place de la ville.
Lordevil says:
le pire, c'est qu'on ne sait meme pas si elle est importante ou pas
Lordevil says:
exactement, ils vont être bien contents les mercs, on les paie pour leur faire de la place
Olivier says:
je suis d'accord, mais si on leurs demandent d'attaquer la capitale, j'ai peur que ça prennent trop de temps avant que ce soit fait et que ca coute très cher.
Lordevil says:
on peut leur demander d'attaquer Medine au pire
Lordevil says:
de toute facon, ils viennent de créer une ville entre Mecca et Médine
Olivier says:
heu... je ne sais pas c'est qu'elle ville celle là.
Lordevil says:
ils ont donc diviser leur force..
Olivier says:
on ne connait rien du territoire feudal
Lordevil says:
on devrait pouvoir piller Mecca sans problème avec nos 4 guerriers
Olivier says:
ok, medine. je viens de voir
Lordevil says:
est ce que vous avez vu la création de Kish ?
Olivier says:
et Mecca c'est a coté des 3 icvoires?
Olivier says:
Lordevil says:
vous devriez la voir au prochain tour, elle est juste situé à gauche de Mecca
Olivier says:
il y avait un settler avec 2 Endiku quand j'ai joué, mais j'ai pas osé attaqué, j'avais aucune chance avec un seul warrior
Lordevil says:
c clair..bah c'est ca, ils ont fondé une ville
Olivier says:
ok, on a un autre warrior et un archer qui descendent
Lordevil says:
nous, on a 2 guerriers qui vous suivent
Olivier says:
mon but est de tout pillé près de Mecca
Lordevil says:
là ils ont décidé d'envoyer un enkidu à partir de Médine venir pour nous faire chier..alors l'archer doit rebrousser chemin
Lordevil says:
c'est clair..Mecca et la ville au sud
Lordevil says:
il faut pour l'instant éviter d'attaquer leur enkidu afin d'éviter de déclencher leur âge d'or
Lordevil says:
une fois qu'on aura piller Mecca et l'autre ville, on pourra se lâcher
Olivier says:
attend, je suis pas sur d'avoir compris. Un Endiku est sorti de Médine et est parti par où?
Lordevil says:
vers chez nous
Lordevil says:
il est sur la colline juste à côté de Medine
Olivier says:
ok, et vous avez besoin d'aide de notre archer?
Lordevil says:
nos 2 archers s'en occuperont s'il franchit la frontière
Lordevil says:
non non
Olivier says:
ok, parfait
Lordevil says:
je parlais de notre archer
Olivier says:
notre archer est 2 carrés au nord et un carré au nord-est de Médine
Olivier says:
ils ne le voient pas
Lordevil says:
on comptait éventuellement l'envoyer piller avec un lancier..mais on a changé d'avis quand on a vu l'enkidu sortir
Lordevil says:
c'est normal, le enkidu est sur la colline au sud est ouest de Mecca
Lordevil says:
là ou les fleuves se coupent..tu vois ?
Olivier says:
je voulais dire il ne le voit pas de la ville, je l'ai fait passé en marge de leur zone de culture
Olivier says:
oui, je vois tout a fait, j'ai un screen shot de notre tour devant moi
Lordevil says:
Olivier says:
je vais poster votre lettre dans notre forum
Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
par contre pour que ça dépasse 100 or, ca voudrait qu'ils abattent plus de 6 défenseurs...ce que je trouve pas trés probable ou alors ils font exprès. Mais vous faites bien de mettre la clause quand même
Olivier says:
ouais, je voulais pas qu'ils nous ruinent ou qu'ils viennent nous rendre visite pour collecter leur du.
Lordevil says:
c clair
Lordevil says:
mais comment ils vont prouver combien d'ennemi ils ont abattu ?
Lordevil says:
dans la ville surtout
Olivier says:
j'imagine qu'il và falloir leurs faire confiance. pas le choix.
Lordevil says:
hmm mouais
Lordevil says:
et qu'est ce qu'il devient Mongoose alors ?
Olivier says:
je sais pas, je ne lui ai pas parlé depuis bien longtemps
Lordevil says:
Olivier says:
ouais, ca fait ch...
Lordevil says:
il doit encore trainer avec ses pitounes
Lordevil says:
Olivier says:
hé hé hé
Lordevil says:
bon on va essayer de faire de beaux rêves sur cette victoire du canadien
Olivier says:
hé hé. je finis de traduire la lettre et je vais me coucher aussi
Lordevil says:
en tout cas, ne sacrifiez pas vos unités pour rien..on arrive
Lordevil says:
la prochaine fois, je te l'écris en anglais si tu veux
Lordevil says:
essayez d'éviter le GA de sumer tant qu'on a pas pillé Mecca !
Olivier says:
C'est comme tu veux, ca me dérange pas, anyway, j'écris pour dinner mon avis aussi.
Olivier says:
Lordevil says:
en fait le but, c'est que si on a le contrôle du territoire, il faut faire venir le plus de nacier possible..parce qu'ils vont commencer à produire des archers
Lordevil says:
*le plus de lanciers
Olivier says:
ah... lanciers... je me demandais c'était quoi des naciers
Lordevil says:

Lordevil says:
en tout cas, bonne nuit
Lordevil says:
2 +
Olivier says:
bonne nuit.
Olivier says:


Voici ce que les Mercs nous ont répondu au sujet d'attaquer Mecca au lieu de


Dear 1BC,

I am afraid that actions taken against Mecca itself would set an attack date
back, approaching some 50 turns before we would be able to confidently attack,
as we would need galleys to transport all troops directly there. There is
also the matter of capitol defense bonuses that would make it a much more
risky campaign, thus more units needed to begin with.

Please note that we are not refusing here, but rather that we are simply
informing you that it will be considerably longer before we would be able to
take action on Mecca as opposed to Bitum. Bitum could be reasonably attacked
in the neighborhood of 20-30 turns depending on a number of variables
including Feudal scouting and troop placements. Mecca is most likely much
closer to the 50-60 turn range.

As for your borders, we fully understand. This is all we can expect, given
our theme. We are not out to hold grudges, and would only consider offensive
moves against our territory (or obviously heading in that direction) an act of
war, not defensive actions against our potential contracts.

- UnOrthOdOx
on behalf of Team Mercenary


Je pense que d'attendre 50 à 60 tours est tout simplement trop long. Nous
devons mettre de la pression de tout les cotés sur les feudals le plus vite
possible, pour qu'ils freinent leur expansion. Quand Bitum sera détruit par
les mercs, rien ne dit que nous ne pourrons pas prolonger le contrat pour
inclure la destruction de Mecca. D'ici 30 tours nous aurons facilement
accumulé un autre 100 à 150 gold pour cette opération.

Qu'en pensez-vous?

Équipe 1bc


[12:56:23] Lordevil: sup
[12:56:35] Zone: Hi there
[12:56:36] Lordevil: sorry for yesterday
[12:56:42] Zone: that's OK
[12:56:44] Lordevil: my sister was in front of the screen
[12:56:53] Zone: Lol, not to worry
[12:56:55] Lordevil: and i couldnt talk
[12:57:02] Lordevil: smile
[12:57:03] Zone: Is she a spy for the feudals?
[12:57:16] Lordevil: i hope that not..otherwise...
[12:57:35] Lordevil: tongue
[12:57:44] Zone: Well as you can see, I'm back and ready to resume
chatting smile
[12:57:53] Zone: I wanted to talk about the deal with the Mercs
[12:57:59] Lordevil: i just received a MP form Mercs
[12:58:08] Zone: OK
[12:58:14] Lordevil: they said that they will finish MM soon
[12:58:27] Lordevil: and they asked waht we were ready to give to
[12:58:59] Zone: not bad going. We have very few cities and so our
science is suffering!
[12:59:31] Lordevil: as i said to Moongose, if one of our nation
managed to have MM, it is not necessary fot the other
nation to try to deal with the mercs
[12:59:47] Zone: Absolutely
[12:59:53] Lordevil: if we managed to have it, i guess we will give it
to you
[13:00:27] Lordevil: i think that we will try to deal it against Code
of Laws
[13:00:32] Zone: Sorry to rush this, but I've got to go in a moment,
bumping into you was a nice surprise, but not what I logged
on for. Mind if I get to the point? I can chat some more
tonight probably
[13:01:06] Lordevil: but a new governement of Yargos have to be
voted..so we have to wait for the moment to decide
[13:01:32] Lordevil: yeah no problem..i often chat with merrial
[13:01:38] Lordevil: he live at Montreal like me
[13:01:43] Zone: It concerns your teams proposal of paying the Mercs
to take Mecca rather than Bitum or whatever the other city
is called
[13:02:04] Zone: I don't know if merrial has talked to you about this
[13:02:13] Lordevil: yeah because we think that that the city is not
[13:02:25] Zone: However, we got a reply from the Mercs about how long
it would take etc.
[13:02:32] Lordevil: the prob is we have no information about bitum
[13:02:53] Lordevil: and if the mercs raze it, they will take the spot
to establish a new town
[13:03:09] Lordevil: so we will pay them and they will win the spot
[13:03:39] Zone: I'll forward the e-mail to you but in essence it says
that it would take 50 to 60 turns for them to start
attacking Mecca (as apposed to 10 - 20 turns for Bitum) and
they'd have to travel through Feudal territory to get
there, no doubt arising suspicions
[13:04:04] Lordevil: it's ridiculous
[13:04:16] Zone: It would cost far more for them to attack Mecca
[13:04:33] Lordevil: in 50-60 turn, Feudals will have 20 enkidu in
[13:05:15] Lordevil: i guess that we 'd better do it by ourselves
[13:05:17] Zone: Prescisely, so what we figured is that we hire the
Mercs to take out Bitum while we work together and take out
the cities north of Mecca and then we can have a three way
assault on Mecca
[13:05:48] Lordevil: what about to ask the Mercs to take Medine ?
[13:05:57] Lordevil: u know the city near both of us
[13:06:20] Lordevil: not to take --> to raze
[13:06:36] Zone: Infact, I'm afraid we've already agreed with the
Mercs to the first bit (we haven't hired them to do
anything to Mecca yet) and realise that as we didn't agree
with you to it at first, you may not wish to pay half of
the cost, but may be willing to contribute something
towards it
[13:06:56] Lordevil: ohh
[13:07:16] Lordevil: well, i have to talk about it with my
[13:07:20] Zone: If we asked them to take the city near us, they'd
have to go through or round feudal territory, it would take
too long
[13:07:30] Lordevil: they have MM
[13:07:42] Lordevil: it should not take so long
[13:07:58] Zone: Yes, ubt two units at a time, they're going to need a
few boats or a shuttle run to be sure of taking the city
[13:08:16] Zone: I don't see why we shouldn't be able to take out the
Feudal cities to the north
[13:08:24] Lordevil: what i hate in the idea of bitum, it's that we
pay them to do space for them..it's the only reason
[13:08:56] Zone: I see what you mean but we felt it was the best way
to clear the Feudals as quickly as possible
[13:08:57] Lordevil: the problem of city in the north is that they are
built on Hill, the enkidu has a bonus of 100%
[13:09:08] Lordevil: it would require a lot of Swordmen
[13:09:13] Zone: Pah, gallic swordsmen grin
[13:09:20] Zone: wink
[13:09:39] Zone: Hang on, I'll copy and paste what the Mercs told us
when we suggested they go for Mecca
[13:09:42] Zone: Dear 1BC,

I am afraid that actions taken against Mecca itself would
set an attack date
back, approaching some 50 turns before we would be able to
confidently attack,
as we would need galleys to transport all troops directly
there. There is
also the matter of capitol defense bonuses that would make
it a much more risky
campaign, thus more units needed to begin with.

Please note that we are not refusing here, but rather that
we are simply
informing you that it will be considerably longer before we
would be able to take
action on Mecca as opposed to Bitum. Bitum could be
reasonably attacked in
the neighborhood of 20-30 turns depending on a number of
variables including
Feudal scouting and troop placements. Mecca is most likely
much closer to the
50-60 turn range
[13:10:05] Lordevil: enkidu in defense is 2 with the bonus it will be
4, we weill need 3 gallic to kill an enkidu..and an enkidu
cost 4 times less than a gallic
[13:10:51] Zone: hmmmm, I see your worry, what about starting a seige
and get a few catapults?
[13:11:07] Lordevil: yeah we are waiting for u to have math
[13:11:16] Lordevil: as sson as u get it, just let u know
[13:11:21] Zone: Righto, will do
[13:11:22] Lordevil: *us
[13:11:47] Lordevil: what about ur negociation with the latinos ?
[13:12:46] Zone: OK, I really must say adieu and leave. It was good to
talk to you and I should be back on later, I hope you don't
have too many problems with our desicion, it took quite a
bit of debating on our part to do it, but we wanted to sort
out a deal before the feudals started hiring them.........
Not a great deal happening there at the moment as far as I
[13:13:09] Zone: hang on, I'll check
[13:13:12] Lordevil: i understand
[13:13:28] Lordevil: i'll let u know what my governement will decide
[13:13:54] Lordevil: i may be replace by someone else so dont worry
about that if someone else of Yargos contact you smile
[13:14:00] Zone: Would you like a more formal e-mail with the info in
or is the stuff I've thrown down here OK for you? If I
think of other reasons I'll e-mail them
[13:14:07] Zone: OK
[13:14:12] Zone: thanks for the warning
[13:14:22] Lordevil: nah it's ok..i will copy this conversation on my
[13:14:26] Lordevil: thank you though
[13:14:38] Zone: Cheers, see you around, you're welcome
[13:14:39] Lordevil: just let us know as soon as u have math
[13:14:43] Zone: certainly
[13:15:01] Lordevil: see ya
[13:15:09] Zone: OK, bye


Lordevil says:
Zone says:
hi there
Lordevil says:
damn u dont sleep yet ?
Zone says:
I've been out
Lordevil says:
well, i guess that we wont need to pay the mercs to raze Bitum
Zone says:
So I did interpret right then?
Zone says:
Feudals are dropping out?
Lordevil says:
Zone says:
I wonder if the mercs will give us our 10 gold back
Lordevil says:
one city still
Lordevil says:
but they disbanded all units
Lordevil says:
i'm trying to write a post for MZO
Lordevil says:
i think it's a big issue
Zone says:
what? them dropping out?
Lordevil says:
it is not fair for others players
Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
they should have play until the end
Zone says:
well if they don't want to bother, they'll only ruin it for everyone else if they carry on and not really put any effort in...
Zone says:
Oh, and which city and who's closest
Lordevil says:
to be honest, my team dont know what to do
Lordevil says:
and we suggest to bring the case to MZO and let others team decide
Lordevil says:
what do u think about it ?
Zone says:
Yeah, it's a tricky one
Zone says:
I don't really see how we can stop them if they just don't want to
Zone says:
they did kill themselves really, they screwed us around and were fairly unpleasent
Lordevil says:
yeah i know..but it's really not fair
Lordevil says:
in fact they didnt disband the enkidu they just made them leave the town
Lordevil says:
the town alive is Kish
Lordevil says:
and we are the closest
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
by the way, they killed ur archer
Zone says:
Oh well, he took out one of them first
Zone says:
We were wondering if that was their last unit in there
Lordevil says:
nah they have 3 enkidu in Medine
Zone says:
Zone says:
that's quite a few
Lordevil says:
1 came from Mecca before our raid
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
well, i guess that i have to wirte a post.. we cant play feeling bad like this
Zone says:
fair enough, I'll chat with the rest of my team soon and see what the general feeling is
Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
gtg, my gf need attention
Lordevil says:
see you later
Zone says:
righto, bbye


Olivier says:
salut, ca va?
Lordevil says:
ca va bien et toi ?
Lordevil says:
justement il fallait que je te parle
Olivier says:
ouais, pas mal
Olivier says:
ah, ok
Lordevil says:

Lordevil says:
j'ai parlé à mon équipe pour la participation dans les mercs
Olivier says:
Lordevil says:
jusqu'à récemment on s'était mis d'accord pour participer à 1/3 des frais
Lordevil says:
est ce que ca vous irait ?
Olivier says:
tout ce que vous pouvez contribuer dans l'anéantissement de l'équipe feudal est la bienvenue
Olivier says:

Lordevil says:
le seul hic, c'est que plusieurs n'appréciaient pas trop la ville visée
Olivier says:
ouais, mais le délais des mercs était beaucoups trop long
Lordevil says:
mais bon, on respecte nos allliés et on s'est engagé au début à vous aider
Lordevil says:
alors on respecte nos engagements
Olivier says:
50 a 60 tours
Olivier says:
c'est cool
Olivier says:
merci beaucoups
Lordevil says:
oui je sais, c'est un des arguements que j'ai avancé..mais pour certains meme 20-30 tours pour Bitum, c'était un peu trop
Olivier says:
moi aussi j'aurais préféré la capitale, mais vu les délais...
Olivier says:
de cette facon. les feudals vont devoir se battre sur 2 fronts beaucoups plus vite
Lordevil says:
c'est pour ca qu'on a tranché la poire en deux..et on a voté pour 1/3
Lordevil says:
on aurait apprécié que vous nous en fassiez part un peu plus tot quand même
Lordevil says:
j'avais essaye de joindre plusieurs fois mongoose à ce propos
Olivier says:
ouais, je comprends, mais l'équipe était unanime quand on à vu le délais. Comme on n'est pas dans une position très géniale en ce moment, on voulait mettre la pression le plus vite possible sur les feudals.
Olivier says:
ouf, bonne chance pour Mongoose
Olivier says:
je ne l'ai vu qu'une fois au cours des 2 dernières semaines
Olivier says:
il m'a dit qu'il était très occupé
Olivier says:
j'espère qu.'il n'a pas tout simplement abandonné la partie
Lordevil says:
ouais, c'etait avant que zone ne revienne
Olivier says:
Lordevil says:
le prob, c'est qu'a ce moment la, c'était le seul interlocuteur que j'avais
Lordevil says:
j'avais envoyé un MP à Von clauwitz sur MZO mais il ne m'avait jamais répondu
Olivier says:
je ne sais même pas s'il sais comment les prendre. je lui laisserai un message dans notre forum
Lordevil says:
en tout cas, c'est pas plus grave
Olivier says:
ce qui est grave c'est de se faire sortir en 4 matchs!
Olivier says:
hé hé
Lordevil says:
c'est kler
Lordevil says:
et c'est encore plus grave si t'étais au centre Bell à ce moment là
Olivier says:
ils ont joués un match et demi sur 4. c'est pas avec ca que tu vas gagné
Olivier says:
lol. c'est vrai, j.'avais oublié
Lordevil says:
je pense que le fait d'avoir perdu le 3iéeme match leur a vraiment coupé les jambes
Lordevil says:
et quand tampa a égalisé au 4ieme, on savait que c'était fini
Olivier says:
ouais, s'ils avaient gagnés le 3e, je suis pas mal certain qu'ils auraent gagnés le 4e.
Olivier says:
ils ont commencés fort, mais ce sont vite démoralisés
Lordevil says:
On a beau dire, mais Théo était ordinaire..et ca prend plus qu'un gardien ordinaire pour gagner
Olivier says:
tout a fait
Lordevil says:
ahh je sais pas si vous avez recu..mais on a eu une proposition de paix de la part de Sumer
Olivier says:
j'ai hate de voir si 1- Kovalev và resté avec l'équipe et 2- s'il y aura du hockey la saison prochaine
Lordevil says:
je mettrais le 2 avant le 1, lol
Olivier says:
j'ai regardé les mails il y a 1 heure environ et on avait rien.
Lordevil says:
en ce qui nous concerne, les avis sont assez partagés
Olivier says:
surement que les feudals se disent qu'une guerre sur 2 fronts c'est trop.
Olivier says:
et vous etes pas mal plus fort que nous, alors ils vont essayé de venir nous chercher
Lordevil says:
laisse moi redemarrez..j'installe le truc anti-sasser..je reviens
Olivier says:

Suite :

Lordevil says:
Olivier says:
alors, ce cessé le feu?
Lordevil says:
je disais donc qu'on avait recu une proposition de paix..sur l'écran de civ directement, pas par mail
Olivier says:
Olivier says:
alors peut-être nous aussi, je sais pas
Lordevil says:
en ce qui me concerne, je ne suis pas chaud pour ce cessez de feu tant que vous n'y etes pas impliqués
Olivier says:

Lordevil says:
ca se discute en ce moment sur notre forum
Olivier says:

Lordevil says:
je voulais savoir quelles seraient vos conditions ?
Lordevil says:
j'adresserais alors peut-être une demande conjointe
Olivier says:
pour être bien franc, je n'y ai pas pensé du tout. je vais soulever le point dans le forum et je verrai ce que les gens en pensent.
Lordevil says:
au moins, mets le sur ton forum et tiens moi au courant le plus vite possible
Lordevil says:
Olivier says:
peut-être qu'ils rasent la ville qu'ils ont entre nous
Lordevil says:
j'aimerais avoir un minimum de réponse pour dans 2 jours si possible histoire de formuler quelque chose au sumériens au prochain tour
Olivier says:
on aurai de la place pour s'étendre
Lordevil says:
tu parles de Médine ?
Olivier says:
Olivier says:
parce que c'est une p*** à prendre, avec ces murs
Lordevil says:
je pense que c'est le minimum, mais je compte peut être la demander en gage de paix
Lordevil says:
en tout cas, faut pas trop recver mais bon
Olivier says:
ouais, en effet
Lordevil says:
de toute facon, on sait que vous vous etes engagées avec les mercs
Lordevil says:
mais on veut juste tater le terrain
Lordevil says:
comme on dit il ne faut pas se fermer de portes inutilement
Olivier says:
ouais, mais bon, les mercs sont là pour faire notre sale boulot.
Olivier says:

Olivier says:
au pire on laissera aux mercs le 10g qu'on leur a déjà payé et on annulera le contrat
Lordevil says:
c'est comme vous voulez
Olivier says:
meeeeerde. j'ai laissé le "respawn" (je sais pas c'est quoi en francais) dans la partie que je joue en ce moment
Lordevil says:
on cherche juste à sonder les opinions, on ne veut pas prendre de décisions unilatérales dans la mesure ou nous sommes 2 à etre engagés dans cette guerre
Olivier says:
les pays-bas sont rapparus
Olivier says:
je comprends
Lordevil says:
lol, c'est renaissance de l'IA
Olivier says:
je devrait surement avoir des réponses dès ce soir
Olivier says:
Olivier says:
je croyais les avoir tués dans une guerre rapide (1475bc), mais ils sont justes allés plus loin
Lordevil says:
en tout cas, on se tient au courant
Olivier says:
oui, pas de probleme.
Olivier says:
bon, madame vient d'arrivé, je vais allé souper. a+
Lordevil says:
merde je sais pas ce qu'il a mon Pc mais il est lent
Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
@ +
Lordevil says:
bon app
Olivier says:


Lordevil says:
Zone says:
Hi there

Olivier has been added to the conversation.

Lordevil says:
how are u ?
Zone says:
Hi Meriial
Olivier says:
hey Zone
Lordevil says:
my team is a bit nervous
Zone says:
Olivier says:
on a une lettre a faire approuvé par l'équipe, mais on ne sais pas encore si les feuals nous offrent la paix
Lordevil says:
we are wondering what are ur conditions to this cease fire
Olivier says:
we want the feudals to quit the game!
Olivier says:
Zone says:
Do I HAVE to get a dictionary
Lordevil says:
if they want to make peace with us, i guess they will make peace with you
Olivier says:
no, just learn french!
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
Olivier says:
tht's what we hope
Lordevil says:
but it dpends what u want
Olivier says:
we are ready for peace, but not all active team members have accepted the price yet.
Olivier says:
should be anyday now, we're waiting for everyone to post their acceptance
Lordevil says:
can i just have an idea..to let my people know if it worth ?
Olivier says:
ok. we are asking for 2 workers and the disbandment of Medina, to avenge Mystic Peak, the city we had to abandon so it wouldnt fall in the hands of the feudals.
Olivier says:
but it hasnt been finalized yet
Zone says:
and the worker that they took
Olivier says:
2 workers to replace the one they took
Zone says:

Lordevil says:
yeah just normal
Lordevil says:
but to let u know, we were about to ask Medina as the price of peace
Zone says:
I see
Lordevil says:
is it ok for u ?
Zone says:
I doubt they'd want to give that city AND disband another...
Lordevil says:
it should not be a probleme since we have agreed that thr river should be the border of our 2 nations, if i have a good memory
Zone says:
This is true, good memory I'd forgotten
Lordevil says:
well, if they give us Medine, it will not be necessary to disband another i guess
Olivier says:
that's the beer, Zone, that's the beer.
Olivier says:

Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:

Zone says:
again, this is probably true
Lordevil says:
i just want to be sure that it is fair for u
Lordevil says:
we dont want to take any decision which will offense you
Zone says:
do you have any ideas what we might ask for in return for us having to disband our city?
Lordevil says:
it is difficult to say since they cannot give u a settler
Zone says:
This is unfortunate, that would have been my choice
Lordevil says:
well, they would have destroy it anyway
Lordevil says:
they attacked ur worker so there is no way that they would have mercy for ur city
Zone says:
What do yu think we ought to do about the deal with the Mercs?
Lordevil says:
well a deal is a deal, u can just say that this deal is excatly the price to pay to make u disband one of your city
Olivier says:
Zone says:
so the feudals pay the price for the mercs to take out one of their cities? ROFL!
Lordevil says:
i guess that they cannot really argue something against that
Olivier says:
I'm not following you
Lordevil says:
no no
Lordevil says:
u alaredy made the deal
Zone says:
nice idea though - poetic
Olivier says:
Zone says:
we might be able to cancel it
Lordevil says:
so u wont have to withdraw it
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
we can both pay for it
Zone says:
still have to pay for it though
Zone says:
yes, you agreed to 30%
Lordevil says:
even in peace, we will argue lately that this is the answer to the destruction of Mystic Peak
Zone says:
which was fair enough as it wasn't your first choice of city
Lordevil says:
not lately --> later
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
what do u think about it ?
Olivier says:
wait. if we cancel the deal, we loose our 10gp ( Zone), but I dont see why we have to pay more then that... they have'nt started any actions yet.
Zone says:
but we still have to pay the Mercs... maybe we could ask the Feudals to disband a city
Olivier says:
only buildings troop, I reckon
Lordevil says:
it is impossible for them to give us a city and to disband another
Lordevil says:
they can give up, it would be the same
Olivier says:
maybe, but that'd be sweet!
Lordevil says:
but we are not forced to reveal the deal with the mercs yet
Olivier says:
that's it.
Zone says:
Of their choice, then if they disband... Bitum is it? The merc deal will be cheap, but if they disband another one, the Mercs still take out Bitum and they'll be in a tricky situation (hopefully) ---------- Tag that on to the end of my last entry
Olivier says:
are we willing to continue it even if where are at peace eith the Feudals?
Zone says:
that's what I'm wondering about
Lordevil says:
why not ?
Lordevil says:
first thanks to peace, they will lose the happiness due to the war
Lordevil says:
so their GA will be less effective
Lordevil says:
second, we will have time to expand and to come back later with a strong army
Olivier says:
oh, don't get us wong, we are all for it, we just want to be sure you are ready to continue with the deal
Zone says:
When their UU is less effective
Olivier says:
damn UU
Lordevil says:
and third the mercs will lose their time to make an army to take over bitum..so less time to expand
Lordevil says:
i cant take any decision for my team alone..but i guess it will be possible to go on this way if you agree
Zone says:
Fair enough, we don't expect to get a final answer from you in a single chat
Lordevil says:
ok so if i ask Medine for us and 2 workers for u, is it good enough ?
Olivier says:
nor are we willing to give one for our team in a single chat
Olivier says:
we will have to post it in our forum and see what the team thinks of it
Lordevil says:
in fact, the purpose is to win a little time..cuz, to be honest, neither you and us are really ready to beat their damn UU
Lordevil says:
and with their GA, it will be more difficult
Olivier says:
some where really looking towards the razing of Medina, so they may ask for a fe gpt.
Lordevil says:
so if they give us Medine and lose 2 workers and be in peace, their GA wont ba that effective
Zone says:
Olivier says:
yes, few
Zone says:

Olivier says:
we will have to see
Lordevil says:
that's fine
Olivier says:
yeah, their UU is worth crap against only AI opponents, but against humans it's damn nice
Lordevil says:
i will just suggest this strategy to my team too
Olivier says:
Zone says:
OK, we'll go and mention your plans in our forums and hope everyone looks in soon
Olivier says:
are you really that many participating in the game? (as in the threa I saw at MZO)
Olivier says:
Lordevil says:
well, we are at least 5
Lordevil says:
but some just come and give their opinions
Olivier says:
Lordevil says:
we have a president
Lordevil says:
a vice president
Lordevil says:
a defense minister
Lordevil says:
i am the foreign minsiter
Zone says:
didn't you say you might be going soon? What was that about and are you? Or are you staying?
Zone says:
Not that I especially want you too
Zone says:
I'm just curious
Lordevil says:
and Interious minister too
Olivier says:
it's interior
Olivier says:
before zone corrects it
Lordevil says:

Olivier says:
and makes a joke out of it
Zone says:
I thought about it
Olivier says:
lol, I know
Zone says:
a joke?
Lordevil says:
well, i said that i might not have time
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
but none have more time niether
Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
i'm still there
Zone says:
ah, the joys of Uni
Olivier says:
no, don't go, I'll loose the only other Habs supporter at MZO
Lordevil says:
Olivier says:
and at 1bc for that matter
Zone says:
Olivier says:
damn Antonius and Ness
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
ok..time for dinner
Olivier says:
Antonius is rooting for the Sens
Lordevil says:
thank u for this chat
Olivier says:
Ness = Calgary
Zone says:
OK, nice talking to you
Olivier says:
ok, bye
Olivier says:
see ya soon
Lordevil says:
just let me as soon as possible since i have to write to the Feudals
Zone says:
Olivier says:
well, we'd like too see if they offered peace
Lordevil says:
just keep the save untill i warn you
Olivier says:
just to know where they stand
Zone says:
This is true, they might want a one on one
Lordevil says:
in that way they will give us what we ask on next turn if they agree
Olivier says:
it's not really that, but I'm eager to see if they proposed the same thing to us
Lordevil says:
i understand..but i might write the conditions for both of us..so they wont have choice
Olivier says:
Zone says:
nice thinking, we'll let you know as soon as we know if the Feudals have offered peace
Lordevil says:
anyway, we have to much respect for u to let you alone in this fight
Zone says:
Most kind
Olivier says:
thanks a lot
Lordevil says:
dont worry
Olivier says:

Olivier says:
we're happy to have you has neighbors
Zone says:
I also have much respect for food so I forbid you to allow your meal to go cold
Olivier says:
ok, enough smoochin, I'm going to cry
Zone says:

Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
Olivier says:
back to work. See ya both soon.
Zone says:
you're welcome
Zone says:
bye all
Lordevil says:
see u later then


Dear Lordevil - Yargos

We thank those of you who were only willing to allow peace
with the Feudals if we were involved with peace aswell.

As of the last chat, we were unaware of whether the Feudals
had offered us peace too. However, now that we have played
the save, we can appraise you of the situation. As I
slightly suspected, the Feudals appear to want a one on one
war with us and have not offered us anything.

As in our chat, we have come to the conclusion that we are
willing to accept 2gpt and 2 workers from the Feudals for

I'm not sure how we would go about this with regards to
communications with the Feudals. Any ideas would be most
welcome and we shall be discussing it at our end too.


Zone - Team 1BC


Dear Zone,

I sent to Feuldals this letter :


We have received your peace proposals. After some deliberations, we finally agree to accept them but under some restrictions :

- First of all, u have to give us Medine. Indeed, the fondation of Medine was considered as a declaration of war since it is done in our vital space and prevent us all possibilities of expansion. The transfer of Medine is an essential condition of the peace treaty. Borders between ours civ is fixed between Medine and Kish.

- Second, we have discussed with Byzance. We think that peace is necessary all over our continent to insure stability and growth for ours people. 1BC is ready to sign the peace treaty if you give them 2 slaves which will replace the worker u captured from them and alsso need a compensation of 2gpt for the city they have to give up under yours threats. If you want to discuss about these conditions, u can also contact theam 1BC.

If you agree with these terms, we are ready to sign up this peace treaty right now and call back our warriors. We are sure that ours people can forget this trouble time to grow together to catch others nations which profit of our fight to take advance.

If you have any question or any comments, do not hesitate to contact me.


Yargos Foreign Minister

I hope that i didnt messed up ur conditions for peace.

If you have any comments or question, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yargos Foreign Minister


Lordevil says:
Zone says:
Hi there
Lordevil says:
how are u ?
Zone says:
I'm fine thanks, a little tired, I had an ultimate tournament over the weekend and it was blazing sunshine the whole time!
Zone says:
How's yourself?
Lordevil says:
ohh what kind of tournament ?
Lordevil says:
me too, a lot of work at job
Zone says:
Ultimate Frisbee
Lordevil says:
oh nice
Lordevil says:
well, we reveived an answer form Sumer
Lordevil says:
you will laugh
Zone says:
I got voted MVP for our tem - Most valuable player - and I've only been playing for 6 months and some of the team have been playing for years!
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
1) Give us back the Workers you enslaved in you dishonest sneak attack on our

2) Move away from all our cities IMMEDIATELY.

Zone says:
Lordevil says:
these are their only words
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
Zone says:
oh dear, it looks like a protracted war then...
Lordevil says:
i believed that their new governemnt would be less vulgar
Lordevil says:
but, i guess we were wrong
Zone says:
we're going to have swordsmen soon which should help somewhat
Zone says:
I would guess the same for yourselves
Lordevil says:
i mean, in the military screen, it said that our army is lagrgely stronger than their
Zone says:
We can see your worker on the iron
Lordevil says:
so i cant understand how they can talk with us like this
Zone says:
I hadn't thought to check that...
Zone says:
I know there are at least 2 enkidus in Men.
Lordevil says:
yeah, as i promised, we will try to get an extra iron to give it to you
Zone says:
It's ok, we'll have a road to some in 9 turns
Lordevil says:
Are the 1BC warriors near Mecca still alive ?
Lordevil says:
Zone says:
Fraid not We only had the one down there. We have the warrior next to Men. and an archer just outside their culture, another archer in a couple of turns and some swords soon. We were unlucky with a barb camp and a warrior, we had a vet, full h/p and he died on a conscript barb on grassland
Lordevil says:
as for us, we managed to plunder the road to kish..and we will try to continue in the North of Mecca
Zone says:
OK, good to hear
Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
so the warrior near Mecca was killed by sumer yet ?
Zone says:
fraid so
Lordevil says:
do you know if it was by an archer or an enkidu ?
Zone says:
golden age has started about 5 turns ago I guess - We also had an archer taken out and that was DEF. by an Enkidu, we were pissed off so we attacked Men. and managed to kill an En. but he only had 2h/p left and was killed by the feudals on their go
Zone says:
If you like I can find out exactly when it started so that we know how long it is to go.
Lordevil says:
yeah and i also need to know if there was an archer in the mecca area..
Zone says:
I didn't see one...
Lordevil says:
if it the case, we will send some reenforcement
Lordevil says:
anyway, i gtg
Lordevil says:
we will talk later
Lordevil says:
sorry gf is waiting for me


Lordevil says:
Zone says:
hi there
Lordevil says:
how are u ?
Zone says:
fine thanks
Lordevil says:
what's new in the world of Civ ?
Zone says:
hows things at your end?
Zone says:
Not a great deal really
Lordevil says:
as for us, we lost ours both warriors near Mecca
Lordevil says:
but we had time to plaunder 2 tiles
Lordevil says:
Zone says:
Oh, I see, we lost our warrior next to Mendina, but we have an archer headed to the Iron to attack anyone who tries to build anything there, we also have another archer following up and swords soon when the roads connected (6 turns)
Zone says:
how about yourself? amasing an army?
Lordevil says:
sorry phone
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
yeah, as u can see, some Spearmen and Archer are coming to Medina
Lordevil says:
We keep our EG cuz we dont want early GA. We would like to finish Republic before.
Zone says:
don't blame you
Zone says:
That's why you would have liked us to manage the code of laws, republic thing with philosophy had either of us managed to get it?
Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
if we were faster, we would let u research CoL while we research philo..then as soon as u finished CoL, u would give it to us
Lordevil says:
and we rushed philo and get the Republic as bonus science
Zone says:
Hmmm, we would have been faster had the Feudals not knobbled our city, or at least forced us to disband it
Zone says:
good plan, pity it couldn't work
Lordevil says:
nah, anyway, when u refused our deal at first, we rushed Philo to have a bonus..but it doesnt work
Lordevil says:
*didnt work
Lordevil says:
it means british rushed philo before us
Zone says:
We didn't realise you had the resources to rush a tech
Zone says:
we didn't really think of that
Lordevil says:
well, we had some river, incense so it helps
Lordevil says:
nevermind, u will know for next time
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
we often use this strat in PBEM
Zone says:
ah, It's my first PBEM
Zone says:
although I've got a few more going now
Zone says:
How long until you get your iron connected?
Lordevil says:
hmm let me see
Lordevil says:
we only have 1 slave on it..so it might be long
Zone says:
You started it a while ago. Our Iron is on mountain, one worker, started 3 turns ago, only 6 to go. I would guess for a slave, it'll be 12 turns on a hill
Lordevil says:
anyway we need u to connect ur road to ours to give it to you
Lordevil says:
we already have another iron connected
Zone says:
we still need to connect Community suburb with our capitol
Zone says:
Oh, OK
Zone says:
That's the next task for our worker. We'd better build another soon - f*ing Feudals...
Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
dont worry, u will have time to grow once we will finish with them
Zone says:
We shold be able to get some furs to you at some point I guess
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
it would be nice
Zone says:
and some Gems if we have enough time to exapnd a bit
Zone says:
We're having trouble trying to expand AND produce military units
Lordevil says:
u have a pretty nice territory
Zone says:
But we're getting there
Zone says:
It's OK, We could be in a strong position had we not risked our 3rd city by not placing a defending unit in it
Lordevil says:
so for the moment u have 3 city ?
Zone says:
You got a very good start for pop increase, plains and wheat
Lordevil says:
yup but our productivity sucks
Zone says:
we built the 3rd city a few turns ago and hope to have another settler in 5 turns I think
Zone says:
Currently also building a defensive unit for it
Zone says:
then a few swordmen. see how the Feudals like that
Zone says:
Are you building your swordmen, just not using them yet? Waiting for the right moment?
Zone says:
i.e. once you have republic
Lordevil says:
i guess they will produce some archer and enkidu to piss us off
Lordevil says:
nah we will produce first some archer to harass Medine and defend ourself
Lordevil says:
we will start producing EG just some turns before Republic i guess
Zone says:
We shall have to try and coordinate our attacks, you first, then us because Feudals are after us, so if we attack first, their units will heal before your turn.
Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
we just ask that every cities under the river should be back to us..i hope that u are ok with that
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
ok fine, i gtg
Lordevil says:
prepare diner
Lordevil says:
so have fun
Zone says:
OK, ttyl
Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
oh i just think about it
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
do u deal something with latino ?
Lordevil says:
or mercs ?
Zone says:
I've just been looking at maps - does Mecca count as Under or over the river?
Lordevil says:
latinos ask for us what we have to deal
Zone says:
ah, we haven't yet, but we're currently in talks
Zone says:
we'll, not recently
Zone says:
Zone says:
what you researching at the moment? We'll have maths in a few turns
Lordevil says:
Zone says:
of course
Lordevil says:
sorry phone again
Lordevil says:
damnit !
Zone says:
OK, I'd better go to bed anyway
Zone says:

Lordevil says:
well, i know that mercs will have MM soon
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
and latinos have the Poly
Zone says:
, they'd told us that too
Zone says:
Zone says:
, yes, I think they'd mentioned it, I don't really remember...
Lordevil says:
so u may deal MM with mercs agsint Math
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
we will try to deal philo against poly
Zone says:
haha, that's wishful thinking, Poly's worth about twice philo
Lordevil says:
just give them some gold
Zone says:
Lol, fair enough
Zone says:
OK, bed for me, ttyl
Lordevil says:
we just dont want to give too many science to Mercs and latinos
Lordevil says:
or u give them math or we give them CoL
Zone says:
well, if we try and keep 3 techs or so ahead
Lordevil says:
but not both
Lordevil says:
just let us know if u deal something
Lordevil says:
ok i let u go to bed
Zone says:
will do, and likewise, night
Lordevil says:


Lordevil says:
Zone says:
Hi there
Lordevil says:
how are things going for u ?
Zone says:
me personally, or in the game
Zone says:
personaly, I've just got over a cold, in the game... could be better, could be worse However, I just try and think of the Feudals as a cold that we'll get rid of in the not too distant (I hope) future
Lordevil says:
lol, well, not that i dont care about u..but i guess that the game is what we have toghether
Zone says:
Lordevil says:

Zone says:
how's life over in there?
Lordevil says:
well, as u can see u try to make a siege on Medine
Lordevil says:
can i ask u a favor ?
Zone says:
of course
Lordevil says:
well, do u have a warrior available ?
Lordevil says:
we need u to take over our capital
Lordevil says:
in order to make a jump palace
Zone says:
We have a couple, but they're not available to charge around just yet...
Zone says:
Zone says:
might be possible
Zone says:
trouble is, we're trying to get our number of cities up a bit because we fell back when we had to disband our 3rd
Zone says:
so our military units are either attacking or defending cities...
Zone says:
We should be able to spare a warrior though...
Zone says:
I shall see
Zone says:
tell you what, I'll have a lookat the save now
Lordevil says:
well, just let me know if it posible..otherwise, it is not that big
Lordevil says:
it would spare a settler for us
Lordevil says:
moreover it would be confusing for feudals
Lordevil says:
they will believe that we are in war too
Zone says:
of course
Lordevil says:
i also have to check if it is allowed
Zone says:
ah, yes
Zone says:
that's true
Lordevil says:
where are ur maths research ?
Zone says:
1 turn to go I think.
Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
Can u deal with latino or mercs in order to have poly and MM after that ?
Zone says:
Currently in negotiations
Zone says:
Are you still going for Republic? Got CoL yet?
Zone says:
I think the only unit we could spare at the moment would be our second archer who is currently N, N, NE of Medina or E, E, NE, NE of Badb. Of course we'd rather try and knobble Medina. Our two warriors are currently required elsewhere.
Lordevil says:
yeah we will have Repûblic in less than 15 turns i guess..
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
as for Medina, dont try to attack for the moment, there are like 3 or 4 enkidu
Lordevil says:
we have no chance with archer
Zone says:
we've currently got an archer perched on the Iron source
Zone says:
It would take 10 turns for our archer to get to your capitol
Zone says:
we can't have RoP yet can we...
Zone says:
does that come when someone has established an embassy?
Lordevil says:
yeah we need to establish an embassy firts
Zone says:
If so, we could move faster along your roads, but we need gold to pay the Mercs
Lordevil says:
nah we need it to be in tunr 75 or 76..so it is not that urgent
Zone says:
We don't know how much that will cost
Zone says:
Oh, OK
Zone says:
... do you mean turn 75 or in 75 turns...
Zone says:
we're on turn 62 at the moment
Lordevil says:
turn 75
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
so if u can get over here in 10 turns, it is enough
Zone says:
yup... Have you found out if it's allowed yet?
Lordevil says:
well, it is doubtfull
Zone says:
I'd also better ask anyone else on the team that I can find
Zone says:
none of whom are around at the moment
Lordevil says:
it states : "The simple solution is to require alliances and peace treaties to be respected through in-game diplomacy "
Lordevil says:
and we can't activate GA or heroes with allies
Zone says:
How do you know which city it would move to? Is it always in the turn that the cities are built?
Zone says:
*Order rather than turn
Lordevil says:
well u have to caculate
Lordevil says:
it is in a post on civfanatics
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
i will give u the url next time
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
i gtg work
Zone says:
OK, so do we think that your request is allowed?
Zone says:
If so, I'll ask what others think. If not, it doesn't make alot of difference
Lordevil says:
i guess that i need to ask to admin or something like this
Zone says:
OK, see if you can find out before we have to play our turn. I'm going out tonight, but I can play it very early this morning perhaps (It was sent to us at 1.30 this morning my time I think)
Lordevil says:
dont bug ur friends with that for the moment
Lordevil says:
i will try to find out and will let u know
Lordevil says:
no problem
Zone says:
OK, I'll let people know when you've found out if it's legal
Lordevil says:
thank u
Lordevil says:
just tell me if u manage to get Poly and MM
Zone says:
Will do.
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
if u need to give money, we can share
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
anyway, that's what allies are supposed to do
Zone says:
orry, just to confirm, I can play the turn now because there's enough time for a detour if we can do this thing?
Lordevil says:
it is ok
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
dont worry about that
Lordevil says:
see ya
Zone says:
ok, ttyl


Zone says:
AutoMessage: Hi there, any chance of a chat next time we're online.
Zone says:
got to love the auto messages
Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
Zone says:
you wanted to know about our trading ideas with the other teams
Lordevil says:
Zone says:
we decided we'd rather go for monarchy than republic but we have a long term trade plan with the latinos in it's finalising process
Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
up to you
Zone says:
Horse Riding+Polytheism+Monarchy <-> Math+Code of Laws+Construction
Zone says:
is the plan with them
Lordevil says:
what about the mapmaking ?
Zone says:
We should also be getting MM from the Mercs for Philosophy and a worker
Zone says:
Of course, with the first one, we'd need tio get code of laws
Zone says:
not philosophy, I mean maths
Zone says:
with an agreement not to trade maths to the Feudals
Lordevil says:
Zone says:
how's your research going and have you got anything planed?
Lordevil says:
well, we will finish Republic soon

Olivier has been added to the conversation.

Lordevil says:
i guess that once u will get us math, we will go for currency and something like this
Lordevil says:
salut olivier
Lordevil says:
comment va le papa ?
Zone says:
yup, that would work
Olivier says:
Olivier says:
bien, merci
Olivier says:
toi ca va?
Zone says:
you would like maths soon then?
Lordevil says:
ca va bien merci
Lordevil says:
sorry, i am the phone
Lordevil says:
sure, i would
Lordevil says:
we need some catapults to hurt enkidus
Olivier says:
we need some tanks!
Zone says:
Olivier says:
will the Yargos attack next turn?
Lordevil says:
not yet
Lordevil says:
we just make pressure on them
Lordevil says:
we wait for our EG
Olivier says:
ok, but they'll mass prouce Endikus
Zone says:
they've got at least 3 En. in there at the moment I'd guess
Olivier says:
Lordevil says:
that's why it is uselless to attack now
Lordevil says:
Galish sowrdmen
Lordevil says:
it's épéiste gaulois in french
Olivier says:
well, next turn we can attack with 4 archers
Olivier says:
yeah, figured when I read it in english
Zone says:
that's not meaning we have 4 archers A combined effort
Olivier says:
yes, that's what I meant
Lordevil says:
archer 2 in attack, enkidu in town behind wall and on hill --> defense = 5..so
Olivier says:
there on a hill???
Olivier says:
damn, didnt remember that bit
Zone says:
Olivier says:
I would have not attacked with Pointy Sticks, then
Olivier says:
way back then
Lordevil says:
u'd better
Olivier says:
still managed to kill one, but I guess it was pure luck
Zone says:
and it was across the river
Olivier says:
... no....
Olivier says:

Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:

Zone says:
I think it was... it was from the north
Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
why do u absolutely want to go to monarchy ?
Zone says:
the 2 gold per unit can be a bit of a killer
Lordevil says:
i mean, it's not like u have a huge army to pay
Zone says:
it'll get larger in time
Lordevil says:
dont forget that u have a bonus of 1 gold for each tile
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
for each tile u have commerce, u get a bonus of 1 gold
Zone says:
are you sure that's not just coast tiles or something
Lordevil says:
that's why Republic is interesting
Zone says:
oh, with republic
Olivier says:
hum, I think it's 1 trade unit, but I don't think it translates at 1 unit for 1pg
Olivier says:
and I think it's in coastal cities only
Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
coastal city is for Colossus
Olivier says:
not sure, though, I never play seafaring civs
Olivier says:
Lordevil says:
anyway, it's up to you
Zone says:
Hot dry archipelago with the Netherlands is awesome
Lordevil says:
i just want to say that it's a pity to pay another civ to have monarchy while we are are about to give u Republic
Zone says:
that's true
Lordevil says:
i must admit that i am a bit surprised
Olivier says:
and you'll go for republic?
Zone says:
they've almost finished it Merrial
Olivier says:
I'll re-read the part about the increased commerce, see how it aplies exactly
Lordevil says:
we will have Republic in like 10 turns
Zone says:
hmmm, pity I've just sent that e-mail to the Latinos
Zone says:
Might be possible to change one of the techs they give us if we ask nicely
Lordevil says:
i believed that our alliance was more effective than that
Zone says:
it is afterall the last tech they'd get - probably
Lordevil says:
the problem is u will help to diffuse all the knowledge
Zone says:
Well it's only because we hadn't propoerly grasped what republic gave
Olivier says:
??? our alliance IS effective and we want to phold it
Olivier says:
Lordevil says:
we were supposed to restrict exchange
Lordevil says:
to profit of our advance and coolaboration
Lordevil says:
now that u propose this deal with latinos, i guess that u have to give them ur knowldege
Zone says:
This way, we will finish the ancient era and the Latinos will still have several techs to go, such as currency, map making
Lordevil says:
they will get MM thanks to Code of laws
Zone says:
A couple of the most expensive ones
Zone says:
How do you mean?
Lordevil says:
Mercs will exchaange with them once u will give them code of Laws
Zone says:
MM is worth rather more than CoL
Lordevil says:
So, they will give poly or even Monarchy
Lordevil says:
that's not a big deal
Lordevil says:
i dont know if u understand what i mean..but if u give a tech to one civ, u have to be ready to see them trade this tech with another
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
not that i dont like latinos
Lordevil says:
but for the moment, we try to focus on our continent
Zone says:
Fair enough
Lordevil says:
Zone says:
Oh, sorry, didn't realise you were waiting for a comment
Lordevil says:
to be honest, i would appreciate that u consult us next time before to do this kind of agreement
Lordevil says:
not that i want to say u waht to do
Lordevil says:
but as allies, i think that we have to try to coordinate our strategy
Zone says:
I was just trying to think of a way we might be able to trade CoL to the Mercs for something different so that we get 5 techs for effectively giving 3 techs to the rest of the known world
Lordevil says:
we didnt really communicate a lot with mercs and latinos because we want to restrict exchange
Zone says:
I see
Lordevil says:
so i guess that u can understand that i'm a bit embarassed with ur deal with latinos
Lordevil says:
i will talk to my assemblee
Lordevil says:
the first plan is u giving Math to mercs against MM
Zone says:
OK, we didn't realise you were trying to keep it so restricted
Lordevil says:
then give math to latinos against poly
Lordevil says:
the problem is once u open the door, u cant control anything anymore
Lordevil says:
as i said to u, once u give a tech to another civ, u cant control what they will do with it
Lordevil says:
of course u can put a non-excahnge clause
Lordevil says:
but they would do the same with you
Lordevil says:
so it doesnt really work
Zone says:
Well the Mercs aren't going to trade Maths with the Feudals
Lordevil says:
yeah but they wont accept only Maths for MM then
Lordevil says:
or they will give a non-exchange on MM too
Zone says:
they didn't say that, and they want 1 worker with Maths for MM
Lordevil says:
so u want be able to give it to us...
Zone says:
We'll still be able to give you MM
Olivier says:
sorry I'm not paticipating much, my boss is right next to me..
Lordevil says:
it's ok olivier
Lordevil says:
well, i guess that it's too late to cancel ur deal with latinos ?
Zone says:
I think it would damage us to much, and you by association as I think it would be obvious why it was cancelled
Lordevil says:
i understand
Lordevil says:
i need to report it to my community
Lordevil says:
just keep us in touch with ur negociation
Lordevil says:
my mail is christophe.phan@hec.ca
Zone says:
Will do
Lordevil says:
thank you
Zone says:
that's OK, we'll try and keep you updated in future
Olivier says:
In english for Zone: Just so you know, no negociations where done to hurt you or our alliance. Sorry if it seemed like that to you. We'll talk to you next time we receive a tech proposal from another team.
Lordevil says:
belived that u understood the importance to restrict tech diffusion
Olivier says:
ok, got to go now. See ya all.
Lordevil says:
later all
Zone says:
yeah, sorry. This is actually my first PBEM, let alone a team PBEM
Lordevil says:
that's why we need to communicate more
Zone says:
Lordevil says:
dont hesitate to write me
Lordevil says:
we can give advice and support u
Zone says:
I'll bear that in mind
Zone says:
Olivier says:
ok, see ya (for real this time).
Lordevil says:
see ya guys


Merrial a écrit :
Bonjour cher Yargos, désolé d’envoyé ce message à toutes les adresses, mais il s’agit d’un message très important.

En ouvrant la partie, j’ai pu voir que les Feudals nous offrent la paix (contre aucune compensation). Je n’ai rien accepté ou refusé, car je voulais savoir si vous aviez eu la même offre.

Bien sur, tout accord de paix avec les Feudals ne saurais être pris sans que vous soyez compris là-dedans. Pour ma part, je ne suis pas pressé de faire la paix, puisque notre position se renforcit de tour en tour, avec l’arrivée d’épéistes (swordsman) très bientôt.

Êtes-vous toujours d’accord pour continuer cette croisade, ou voulez-vous que nous commencions à entreprendre des discussions de paix?

Pour Lordevil : Je serai sur MSN demain matin jusqu’à 11h30, nous pourrons en discuter à ce moment.


Équipe 1bc


Inao a écrit

Non, nous n'avons pas eu d'offre de la part des sumériens. Peut-être que nous en aurons une au tour suivant, mais j'en doute. Dans tous les cas nous n'accepterons pas la paix avec les sumériens sans négociations préalable par courrier. Je vous propose donc de ne pas accepter la paix pour ce tour.
J'ai lancé un débat chez nous sur la conduite à tenir, s'il s'avérait que la majorité soit pour la paix, alors il sera toujours temps d'envoyer nous même une proposition de paix. Lordevil, ministre des affaires étrangère, vous fera part du choix de notre équipe.

Personnellement je suis pour continuer la guerre.

Inao (président de l'équipe Yargos)


Lordevil says:
Olivier says:
Olivier says:
tu es là?
Lordevil says:
oui oui
Olivier says:
Lordevil says:
comment ca va ?
Olivier says:
je croyaus t'avoir manqué
Olivier says:
pas mal, toi?
Lordevil says:
est ce que tu as recu la réponse de notre Président ?
Olivier says:
on và faire du go-kart avec le bureau, alors ca va!
Olivier says:
atten, je regarde
Lordevil says:
ahh cool, t'as de la chance
Olivier says:
non, je n'ai rien à l'adresse de l'équipe
Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
attends je vais te l'envoyer
Olivier says:
s'il a fait un reply, je l'ai chez moi et ne pourrai pas le voir avant ce soir
Olivier says:
j'ai envoyé le mail hier de mon adresse Videotron
Olivier says:
envoie le à: olivier.millien@jlp.ca
Lordevil says:
oui, il a surement fait un reply
Lordevil says:
tout ça pour dire que nous refusons toute paix avant négociation
Lordevil says:
nous leur avons déjà donné nos conditions et ils ont craché dessus
Lordevil says:
ils savent quoi faire s'ils veulent la paix
Lordevil says:
ça fait chier Sumer a déjà la carto !
Olivier says:
ok, je viens de lire la lettre
Olivier says:
c'est tout à fait ce qu je pensais
Olivier says:
s'ils veulent la paix, qu'ils offrent qque chose en compensation
Lordevil says:
Olivier says:
pis moi non plus je suis pas pressé de faire la paix
Lordevil says:
au moins 2 travailleurs pour vous
Lordevil says:
nous ne feront pas la paix tant qu'ils nous donneront pas médine
Olivier says:
je ne me rappel plus exactement ce que nous avions demandé, mais 2 travailleurs serait surement correct
Olivier says:
ou tant qu'elle ne sera pas détruite
Olivier says:
nous avions un autre archer qui arrivait à Medine, mais il a biffurqué vers le nord-est pour intercepter un endiku qui monte vers chez nous
Olivier says:
nous aurons un premier épéiste le prohain tour et un autre qques tours plus tard
Lordevil says:
au fait, vos négociations dans les échanges en sont ou ?
Olivier says:
ça n'avance pas... les Latinos devait nous faire parvenir une première tech, mais ce n'est pas fait... je dois leur écrire en fin de semaine
Olivier says:
je n'ai pas tellement le temps de suivre la partie... j'ai hâte que Zone revienne...
Lordevil says:
et les mercs vous ont toujours pas refilé la carto ?
Olivier says:
Lordevil says:
Olivier says:
je dois les relancer aussi
Olivier says:
je vais essayé de faire ça demain entre poser des dalles sous la galerie, magasiner pour le cadeau de fête d'un ami et aller à la fête du dit ami le soir même...
Lordevil says:
Lordevil says:
au moins tu ne t'ennuies pas
Olivier says:
lol, non en effet


Olivier says:
Lordevil says:
Olivier says:
avez-vous reçu une offre de paix des feudals?
Lordevil says:
non, au contraire, on s'est pris un débarquement
Lordevil says:

Olivier says:
??? pour vrai? merde
Olivier says:
c'est grave?
Lordevil says:
bah, juste un archer et un enkidu
Lordevil says:
ca me fait juste chier qu'ils aient carto
Olivier says:
et tout est sous controle?
Lordevil says:
ouais, cela nous retrade un peu mais rien de vraiment tragique
Olivier says:
tant mieux
Lordevil says:
on ne sera pas obligé d'abandonner une ville
Olivier says:
lol, excellent
Olivier says:
et comment se passe le sondage chez les Yargos?
Lordevil says:
sondage sur ?
Olivier says:
ben savoir si vous vouliez faire la paix ou pas? c'est votre président qui a écrit ça dans sa dernière lettre: " J'ai lancé un débat chez nous sur la conduite à tenir, s'il s'avérait que la majorité soit pour la paix, alors il sera toujours temps d'envoyer nous même une proposition de paix."
Lordevil says:
le président ouvre un débat, on discute là dessus...si jamais il voit qu'il y a matière à vote ben il poste une sondage avec une date de cloture
Lordevil says:
chacun vote avant la date de fermeture et la majorité l'emporte
Lordevil says:
c'est aussi simple que ça
Olivier says:
je comprends, je me demandais juste savoir si la majorit/ voulais la paix ou pas
Lordevil says:
on fait même des sondages pour savoir quoi produire dans chaque ville des fois alors
Olivier says:
hé hé
Olivier says:
nous on est juste deux, alors les sondages...
Lordevil says:
euh la majorité veut que nos conditions soient respectés pour une paix
Lordevil says:
avoir Médine entre les pattes, c'est hors de question
Olivier says:
Lordevil says:
on leur avait deja dit aux Feudals..et ils nous ont répondu connement.
Olivier says:
au fait, les 2 unités feudals, est-ce qu'il y ai des chances qu'elles montent vers chez nous?
Olivier says:
je voudrais savoir, au cas ou je dois préparer des défenses spéciales
Lordevil says:
disons que ca leur prendrait du temps, et je pense qu'ils auraient le temps de se faire exterminer 10 fois avant
Olivier says:
Lordevil says:
et vos négociations, rien de neuf ?
Lordevil says:
vous n'avez pas encore réussi à avoir la carto ?
Olivier says:
j'ai toujours pas eu de réponse d'eu non plus (feudals)
Lordevil says:
vous devriez négociez la carto à la baisse vu que les feudals l'ont aussi
Olivier says:
pour les négos, ca avance finallement avec les Latinos, mais on ne pourra pas avoir Mapmaking très bientôt.
Lordevil says:
comment ca ?
Olivier says:
les mercs ont Maths, maintenant
Olivier says:
c'était notre seul monnaie d'échanfge
Lordevil says:
tu vas pas me dire qu'ils ne l'ont pas encore ?
Lordevil says:
ah merde
Olivier says:
ca faisait parti d'un échange que Zone préparait, mais ils l'ont eu avant que ce soit concrétisé
Lordevil says:
c'est le genre d'informations que tu devrais me fournir dès que tu le sais
Olivier says:
ben... avez-vous Maths?
Lordevil says:
ben non, mais on vous l'a pas demandé parce qu'on n'en a pas encore besoin
Lordevil says:
si vous nous le donnez, ca fait baisser la valeur marchande
Olivier says:
ah... c'est pour ça... désolé, je croyais que vous l'aviez...
Lordevil says:
je sais pas si tu le savais, mais au plus de civ ont la science, au moins ca prend de tour pour la découvrir
Lordevil says:
donc sa valeur marchande descend
Lordevil says:
c'est pour ca qu'on ne vous a pas encore donné Code des Lois non plus
Olivier says:
j'ai essayé de l'échangé dans le jeu, mais je ne pouvais pas, ce qu'il veux dire qu'ils l'ont. mais ils ne me l'ont pas dit officiellement
Lordevil says:
oui je comprends mieux
Lordevil says:
c'est intéresant
Lordevil says:
je me demande si les mercs n'ont pas procéde à un échange dernièrement avec sumer
Olivier says:
Lordevil says:
ils se tirent une balle dans le pied s'ils veulent détruire une ville sumérienne par la suite
Lordevil says:
il leur reste encore combien de temps par rapport à votre contrat ?
Olivier says:
ouf... maudite bonne question...
Olivier says:
faudrait que je calcul
Olivier says:
une seconde
Lordevil says:
pas de prb
Olivier says:
dans leur dernière communication ils disaient qu'ils auraient une force "unstopable" (je n'arrive pas à trouver un synonime ) dans 13 tours. C'était le 18 juin. donc il doit rester environ 8-9 tours, j'imagine.
Lordevil says:
invincible, inarrêtable, instaoppble si tu veux
Lordevil says:
ok, c'est bon à savoir
Olivier says:
AH!!!! invincible... v'là le mot que je cherchais mais que je ne trouvais pas
Olivier says:
bon, bébé commence à pleurer... je dois y allé.
Lordevil says:
dans 8-9 tours, on devrait être en mesure d'attaquer Médine aussi
Olivier says:
à +
Olivier says:
Lordevil says:
oui je comprends
Lordevil says:
@ +
Olivier says:
on aura au moins 1 sinon 2 épéistes nous aussi
Lordevil says:
pas de prob



Nous avons pu remarquer que votre archer qui se dirigeait vers la hutte de
barbares à bifurquer de sa trajectoire pour s'en aller vers le nord. Nous
étions bien curieux de savoir pourquoi il en était ainsi. S'il s'agit
d'exploration, il nous fera plaisir de vous transmettre nos cartes du monde
dès que nous le pourrons.

Il serait préférable, selon moi, d'envoyer tous nos effectifs vers notre
ennemi commun, les feudals. Justement, en parlant d'eux, nous avons détruit
un de leurs endikus ce tour ci et nous demandions quand vous alliez
également passer à l'attaque. Il serait sûrement temps de construire un plan
d'attaque conjoint. Nous avons hâte de venger notre chère ville et notre
travailleur, tout deux tombés à leurs mains.


Équipe 1bc


Salut Olivier,

Nous avons une lacune énorme dans la connaissance du territoire et c'est la raison pour laquelle notre archer explore notre continent. Nous ne pouvons pas nous permettre d'attendre la navigation, science utile pour s'échanger la carte du monde. D'ailleurs, un de nos coracles fait le parcours vers l'est pour mieux connaître le territoire sumérienx et celui des mercs.

En ce qui concerne les "feudals", nous attendons juste le bon moment. Ils ont leur âge d'or en ce moment, et si nous lançons l'offensive avec peu d'unité, nous ne pouvons pas espérer aller bien loin. La prise de Médine même si elle peut être envisageable bientôt n'est pas suffisante, il nous faut une armée suffisament puissante pour envahir le reste de Sumer sans que celui-ci n'ait trop le temps de se rattrapper.
En prenant notre temps, nous prenons la chance d'endormir notre adversaire. Avec un peu de chance, il va se sentir relaxe et profiter de son âge d'or pour faire autre chose que des unités militaires.
De plus, nous avons eu droit récemment à un petit débarquement. Il n'y a rien de bien préoccupant mais cela nous retarde quelque peu dans nos projets. Je vous invite donc à vous en méfiez également.

N'oublier pas que la vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid, soyez donc patient, il n'en sera que meilleur.

J'espère vous rencontrer prochainement sur MSN pour qu'on puisse discuter davantage de notre stratégie et de nos affaires étrangères si vous le voulez bien.


Ministre des affaires étrangères.


Dear ally,

We are building an harbour so that we soon may establish some commercial trades - but we actually do not know if supplies may travel to Fidel.
We have in our mind to propose some trade (iron) to the mercs.
We may discover the Republic next turn and switch to a rapublic gvt in 5 turns; so we will need mathematics in order to research "expensive" techs.
Please send it to us; and tell us what you need (Code of Laws, Mapmaking)
In order to get some luxuries, we wish Bananeros to get Mapmaking.
What do you think about this? (do you have any contract with Fidel that involves that thech?)

GD, new Yargonautes' Minister for Foreign Office

Chers alliés,

Nous construisons actuellement un port en vue de proposer des échanges commerciaux - encore que nous ne sachions pas si une route maritime pourrait nous relier à l'Empire Bananier.
Nous envisageons de proposer des ressources (fer) aux mercenaires.
La découverte de la République devrait avoir lieu au prochain tour, et nous devrions changer de gouvernement dans 5 tours; il nous faudrait les maths pour effectuer les recherches "chères". Nous vous prions de bien vouloir nous les enseigner, et de nous dire quelle tech vous souhaiteriez apprendre (Code des Lois, Cartographie)
Nous souhaitons fournir des produits de luxe à nos citoyens pour les rendre heureux et souhaitons que les Banañeros connaissent la cartographie.
Quel est votre sentiment à ce sujet? - avez-vous un accord concernant cette science avec Fidel?

Recevez les salutations du peuple Yargonaute.
GD, Ministre des Affaires Etrangères nouvellement élu du Peuple Yargonaute

CC à notre adresse collective (isdg1...etc)
give a mouse a favour


J'ai relancé 1BC sur leur site:
I just have signed up the team in order to get easier discussions.
Before we can play te actual turn, we need some informations:
will you do something against the enkidu fortified on the hill not so far from Kish and Medina?
We got the Republic and need the Mathemetics in order to research "expensive" techs (please tell us if you are currently researching Construction or Currency); but the revolution will not start immediatly (2-3 turns)

Do you have a deal including "horseback riding"? we may research it with few delay (6 turns).

GD; Yargos Minister for Foreign Affairs
give a mouse a favour


Chers alliés, désolé d'avoir pris autant de temps à répondre, mais mes
journées et soirées sont très chargées et Zone est en vacance jusqu'à la fin
septembre, début octobre.

Je vous enverrai Math au prochain tour et aimerais grandement avoir
Cartographie en retour.

L'entente que vous proposez avec les Bananeros est tout à fait correct et non,
nous n'avons aucune entente sur cette technologie avec eux.

Sur une tout autre note, comme vous avez du vous en apercevoir, nous avons
finalement fondé une 4e ville. Malheureusement, elle est entourée de tribus
barbares (guerriers et cavaliers). Pour éviter de nous faire piller tout notre
trésor et ainsi de ne pas pouvoir payé les Mercs, je voulais savoir si vous
accepteriez de garder notre or pour nous durant quelques tours. S'il s'averait
qu'ils avancent au prochain tour, je vous enverrais tout notre
argent "accepté" et vous demanderais de nous le restituer quand nous vous le
redemanderons (probablement d'ici un tour ou deux). Vous vous êtes montré un
allié fidel et indéfectible depuis le début, voilà pourquoi je sais que je
peux vous faire confiance à ce sujet.

En parlant des Mercs, j'ai eu une lettre d'eux hier, me disant qu'ils
débarquerait au prochain tour à coté de la cible et commencerait à attaquer le
tour suivant.

Merci et à bientôt.

équipe 1bc
give a mouse a favour


Greetings to the Yargos

Sorry I haven't been around much, but I should be back onto
MSN again soon too.

With regards to the reason for this e-mail, it is our
pleasure to inform you (although you may have already
guessed from GF's post in the saved game thread) that the
Mercs have succeeded in destrying Bitum, and as such,
required in total, 20g.

I've been hunting through past correspondence and think it
was agreed that you would put up 1/3 of the cost. I sent 10g
to the Mercs last turn (we sent the 10g deposit to start the
deal), so if you would be so kind as to roll 6 or 7 gold
coins our way, we would be most grateful.


Zone - Team 1BC