ça y est, g mon bébé gringringringrin
une joulie pitite gba posée à côté de moi smile
pas de jeu, mais gba qd même grin

bon, d'abord je la démonte, ensuite je la tune smile
hu² picol
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


lol tu me dira kel tournevis tu utilise !!
sinon elle est de kel couleur avant ke tu la masacre ??
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"

premiere sortie du label furne-records
dispo ici


euh... g pas fé gaffe... atta, je regard...
rose grin
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


tain la plus classe !!
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"

premiere sortie du label furne-records
dispo ici


Ah enfin t'as ta GBA !

Tu l'as eu à combien alors ?

Dommage k t pas de jeu grin

Sinon rage2000 t serieux kan tu dis k la rose c la + belle ???? pour moi c la pire !


j'adore c tellement different et jap !!
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"

premiere sortie du label furne-records
dispo ici


bah, g pas pu l'avoir d'occase sad
obligé de l'ht neuve sad

en attendant... grin

vouups, dsl j'av balancé le grand format grin
[edit]Edité par sBibi le 16-12-2001 à 19:22:18[/edit]
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


t'aurrai du la mettre encore plus grosse !!
sinon comment ta fais pour l'ouvrir ??
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"

premiere sortie du label furne-records
dispo ici


Moi aussi j'ai demonté la mienne des le premier jour (moi entiereement ecran et tout :P) pour pouvoir essayer de la retroeclairer, mais c fut un echec !
"I read the game.dll assembly more easily than you read the joke on the back of your box of Cocoa Pebbles, and have spent the past 2 1/2 years navigating it." ©


héhé, pendant qu'on y est:

In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


pya, je croi ke je devrai virer des fichiers (flowers.zip par exemple), g plus d'espace disk sad

RAGE2000>avec un tournevis grin
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


bon vais balancer tes photo sur console france

sinon je repete avec kel tournevis ta ouvert ca ??
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"

premiere sortie du label furne-records
dispo ici


arf, ba c pas un tournevisse, c un truc à embouts interchangeabe...
ct un truc ke g payé 50 fcs à décathlon, et y a tout: cruciformes, torx, vis à 3 machins (ce qui est le cas ici wink)
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


faudra ke je matte alors !!
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"

premiere sortie du label furne-records
dispo ici


In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


ou est passé la diode ??
il font comment pour le changement de couleur ??
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"

premiere sortie du label furne-records
dispo ici


c'est deux diodes wink
DL2 et DL1 en haut à droite de la carte, sur la face de l'ARM... ce sont des diodes en cms
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


euh, on l'enlêve comment sans risque de tt niker l'écran? pke j'aurai envie de faire marcher la sav si je l'explose pour mettre un backlight grin
bon, tan pis, v y aller au couteau devil
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


Moi j'ai pris un tournevis plat pas cher et je l'ai entailler avec uyne scie a metaux , ca me fait mon tournevis GBA grin
"I read the game.dll assembly more easily than you read the joke on the back of your box of Cocoa Pebbles, and have spent the past 2 1/2 years navigating it." ©


fodrait vraiment qu'on trouve une solution pour le retroeclairage !
"I read the game.dll assembly more easily than you read the joke on the back of your box of Cocoa Pebbles, and have spent the past 2 1/2 years navigating it." ©


arf, c bon, j'y suis arrivé devil ces cons l'ont carrément collé grin
ué pour le rétroéclairage smile
bah je regard ça wink
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


tu penses a koi ?a mettre des diodes styles telephone portable ?ou a un autre systeme ?
"I read the game.dll assembly more easily than you read the joke on the back of your box of Cocoa Pebbles, and have spent the past 2 1/2 years navigating it." ©


y fo enlever la plaque métallique derrière...
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


et mettre une "plaque" qui retroeclaire ?
"I read the game.dll assembly more easily than you read the joke on the back of your box of Cocoa Pebbles, and have spent the past 2 1/2 years navigating it." ©


ca doit se trouver chez conrad nan ?
"I read the game.dll assembly more easily than you read the joke on the back of your box of Cocoa Pebbles, and have spent the past 2 1/2 years navigating it." ©


tain, v tout niker si je le fé sad
attendez, je balance le scan de l'écran...
on voi la plaque de derrière
le mieux, ce serait de trouver ces feuiles qui s'allument qd on fé passer du courant dedans, et de la mettre à la place de la plaque...

sinon, ba mettre une plaque de plastique avec les bords dépolis, et des diodes cms haute luminosité comme les portables, ou les leds de batterie de lq gba
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


hum moi je pense que demonter la plaque , ca doit etre possible.
"I read the game.dll assembly more easily than you read the joke on the back of your box of Cocoa Pebbles, and have spent the past 2 1/2 years navigating it." ©


vi, mais y fodrait pas ke ça décolle les connecteurs de l'écran...
chiant à remettre après sad
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


Moué mais moi je suis agile de mes mains , dc je susi sur que je peux y arriver.Le probleme c de trouver un truc plats qui retroeclaire.
"I read the game.dll assembly more easily than you read the joke on the back of your box of Cocoa Pebbles, and have spent the past 2 1/2 years navigating it." ©


bien sûr, ba c le principal pbl, le démonter, c pas dur wink
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina