bien sûr, ba c le principal pbl, le démonter, c pas dur wink
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


pya a mon avis c pas aussi simple sinon ya longtemps que ca aurrai été fait !!
sinon balance les screens sbibi
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"

premiere sortie du label furne-records
dispo ici


j'ai de l'anglais a faire la , j'ai pas le temps d'essayer sad
Mais bon a partir de Mercredi soir je susi presque en vacance dc je tenterai.Ce que je cherche c trouver uje plaque luminescence avec une lumiere translucode !
"I read the game.dll assembly more easily than you read the joke on the back of your box of Cocoa Pebbles, and have spent the past 2 1/2 years navigating it." ©


yeaaah! j'av raison tongue
il y a des trous dans la plaque métallique, et à travers, on voit le lcd wink

et si on met une lumière derrière, ça donne ça:

In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


donc voila smile
v essayer de décoller cette putain de plaque, si je nique mon écran, je vous tien o courant gringringrin
(je c tlm s'en fous, mais bon grin)
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


l'écran est tjrs pas baisé grin...
suspense tongue
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


l'écran est tjrs pas baisé grin...
suspense tongue
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


vradavradada boum
ecran niké grin
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"

premiere sortie du label furne-records
dispo ici


non, ça marche smile
avec p_y_a on décolle la plaque au dissolvant (pour moi -> alcool)
et ça marche smile
la moitié de la plaque est décollée chez moi là smile
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


et tu pense ke le retroeclairage ca sera facile ??
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"

premiere sortie du label furne-records
dispo ici


ué, le + dur, c de décoller cte saloperie sans casser l'écran.
ça y est, je viens de le décoller smile
je scan ce que ça donne et je le balance... 5min
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


et sinon tu pense koi ?? des diodes ou la plaque eclairante ??
et au nivo de la conso tu sais se que ca fait ??
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"

premiere sortie du label furne-records
dispo ici


héhé smile

In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


et si tu met la lampe derriere ??
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"

premiere sortie du label furne-records
dispo ici


yearhh bi²
j'ai essai rage, c pas top.fo une plque retroeclairante !
"I read the game.dll assembly more easily than you read the joke on the back of your box of Cocoa Pebbles, and have spent the past 2 1/2 years navigating it." ©


ué, ba la lampe derrière, ça fera comme la tof d'au dessus sad
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


merde c pas gagné koi
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"

premiere sortie du label furne-records
dispo ici


il fo une lumiere blanche ( comme sur la GG).
Donc en gros il fo trouver une plaque retroeclairante et o pire (si elle elcaire pas blanc mais transparent) intercaler une feuille blanche et le tour sera joué !
"I read the game.dll assembly more easily than you read the joke on the back of your box of Cocoa Pebbles, and have spent the past 2 1/2 years navigating it." ©


on peut tropuver ca ou (g rien trouvé sur google)
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"

premiere sortie du label furne-records
dispo ici


je c pas, mais ca se trouve c sur !
"I read the game.dll assembly more easily than you read the joke on the back of your box of Cocoa Pebbles, and have spent the past 2 1/2 years navigating it." ©


attendez, je sui en train de chk le catalog de selectronic... y en ont ptet smile
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


allé !!
"I read the game.dll assembly more easily than you read the joke on the back of your box of Cocoa Pebbles, and have spent the past 2 1/2 years navigating it." ©


alors ??
moi g tjr rien trouvé sad
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"

premiere sortie du label furne-records
dispo ici


nan, y ont rien dans leur cat...
pourtant il y avait un site sur le rétroéclairage des ti83 (ou 80 kkchose) qui donnait les addresses où on pouvait se procurer ce truc...
ça av été posté il y a assez longtemps...
[edit]Edité par sBibi le 16-12-2001 à 22:44:49[/edit]
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


ca ???
ms ca a l'air ressent et ya as d'url precise
ALASKA premiere album "watertight"

premiere sortie du label furne-records
dispo ici


In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


arf, ué, ptet... je c pas
regarde ça:

In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


noon, ct pas ça le topic rage, cuila est tout récent, celui dont je te parle datait de l'ancien forum, ptet du débu de l'ancien forum...
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


ALASKA premiere album "watertight"

premiere sortie du label furne-records
dispo ici


ué, g vu...

le site du constructeur de backlights:
In many respects the Yoshi is like a beautiful woman. A man can come so enamoured that he bestows on her all his time, his energy and his fortune.
- Fred whipple, 1960

*** Ne sous-estimez pas la puissance de la Marmotte ***
© Marmotte Team : LaMarmotte, sBibi, Vark & Sabrina


c ca kil fo

ALASKA premiere album "watertight"

premiere sortie du label furne-records
dispo ici