[Pockett.net] – Pour tenter de mobiliser la communauté, Game Park Holdings invite les développeurs GP2X du monde entier sur son forum officiel....

Nouvelle en entier ...
Pockett : toute l'actualité des jeux vidéo de poche ! www.pockett.net


bonne initiative smile
mon site dessins en tout genre ( BD, presse... ) :
mon site de peinture :


un peu vide pour le moment...


Beaucoup vide pour le moment tongue
Lego Adventures < c'est du quiphe !




Bah il débute alors c'est normal en même temps tongue
Lego Adventures < c'est du quiphe !


Et pis ils ont peut être un train de retard car la plupart des développeurs (internationaux) sont déjà installés sur un forum fait pour (gp32x - dev)...
Donc faire migrer tout ce petit monde vers un nouveau forum sera difficile (eh oui c'est dure de changer les habitudes des gens)...
Mais bon je comprends GPH qui souhaiterait apporter quelquechose d'OFFICIEL dans ce domaine...


bon ren meme temps j'etais sur ce forum depuis le tout debut ca un peut change mais les developpeur n'iront pas desu wink


Voila que ce forum est utile pour savoir quelques trucs et que les demandes sont prises en compte en fonction des possibilité/fesabilité wink

Curently working on it
Arrow Flickering problem was solved, however, you can still see horizontal lines (like an interlaced display) Horizontal lines has turned out to be a unique and inevitable character of this LCD. Though GPH will keep trying to do its best to solve this problem with firmwares. But to tell the truth, it seems to hard to solve out this problem fundamentally.
Arrow ID3 Curently working on it
Arrow LCD configuration : adding gamma control and britness : We plan to add LCD configuration as software in the near future.
Arrow Audio Player : adding Playlist supportCurently working on it
Arrow Audio Player : adding the possibility to configure the equalizerCurently working on it
Arrow Ebook : Adding RTF supportCurently working on it

Maybe Later, or on another verstion
Arrow possibility to read HTML and PDF usinf Text Viewer : GPH outsourced the current text viewer and it is the final version. And in order to add more functions to this version, entire re-coding would be inevitable. Though supporting HTML might be possible through hard work, supporting PDF seems to be too hard due to its too wide range.
Arrow better image viewer (including GIF, Animated GIF, etc.) without crashing (It crashes for me when I try to view more than 20-30+ images) and shows the images as thumbnails (with ability to cache them so they show up quicker). GPH has been trying to find out the major reason of this crash. But any definite reason has not been found out. Animated GIF is under consideration. And thumbnail is also under consideration but at the moment, GPH can not be sure that both or these functions will be added.
Arrow WiFi Support WiFi is one of the features that GPH is considering for next version, but GPH has not made any final conclusion about the specification or features for post GP2X
Arrow Support for SD WIFI seriously considering SDIO, but has not entered into developing this due to lack of human resource and time. But as long as GPH take this into one of major consideration. Someday, GPH will start develop this.
Arrow flickering LED when batteries are nearly dead Since the CPU memory can be too much taken by adding flickering function,we can only support 2~3 times of flickering fuction when the battery is low


interessant ^^