I've started a sprite editor for windows, but it requires more time to code than I expected, so I won't be able to finish it before next holidays.

There is no "readme" in the zip [edit : nothing more than a copy of this post grin], so I'll explain here how to use it (for now, it can only convert a few formats) :

- Select "File » Open image", then open a .jpg or .bmp image : it should appear on the main window
- Choose "Options > Image", resize your image by changing the dimentions and clicking the "<>" button, and choose an image format. Please note that "Sprite8" doesn't means that you *must* select a 8x8 size for your sprite : it means that your sprite will have the "Sprite8" format, that is to say "unsigned char sprite[] = { ... }".
- You can change brightness and gamma, using the two scrollbars in this window.
- Select "Option > Tools" to show another window, which will allow you to edit the image and create a mask. In this version, you can't edit the image, only an automated mask creation is implemented (clic with middle button on the colorbar to select the "transparent" color, then clic the "Make it" button).
- There are a few more options in the "Option > Settings" box.
- When you have finished, select "File > Save sprite" to export your sprite in a .h file.

It will be *very* easy to add new sprite formats to this editor, just edit one of the .tsp files : you'll see that they are simply text files, which indicate how bytes and planes must be stored, an other informations.
I hope I'll have time to finish this editor, and add some new features such as sprite editing, .89i export, etc...

If you're interested in the source code (Delphi 7), just ask smile


Link : http://perso.club-internet.fr/vertyos/Download/Delphi/TiSprite01.zip

[edit] There might be some bugs... Just report them in this topic please wink
All right. Keep doing whatever it is you think you're doing.
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There is no "readme" in the zip, so I'll explain here how to use it
Well, now I suppose you could just copy-paste this post to a readme file wink

Apart from this, I think it is always good to have new software. Too bad you don't provide a *nix version. Though... I don't know but isn't Delphi easily portable to, say, GNU/Linux for instance ?


I really don't know how to port it on *nix. I've heard about Kylix, but it's really another world for me. If somebody wants to have a look at it... wink

(ok, I'll copy past the first post in a readme.txt file grin)
All right. Keep doing whatever it is you think you're doing.
Besoin d'aide sur le site ? Essayez par ici :)


interested by the source code, yes :]
納 豆パワー!
I becamed a natto!!!1!one!


I just sent it to the mail you specified in your profile ^^
All right. Keep doing whatever it is you think you're doing.
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