Remplacer la SRAM alimentée par pile par une FRAM qui fonctionne sans pile
Sega Saturn Internal Memory Mod with FRAM – no battery required | db Electronicsdb ElectronicsI was burned too many times when I power up my Sega Saturn to notice that my CR2032 had died. The CR2032 on the Sega Saturn is responsible for maintaining power to the internal battery-backed SRAM (i.e. your internal saves) and maintaining the system's RTCC (real-time clock and calendar). When the battery dies, which seems to happen MUCH too frequently on my Saturn, you lose both the clock's time and the internal saves. You can easily tell this has happened when you power up the system and you get the following screen prompting you to re-enter the time and date. Ah Snap! If you're busy like I am, you probably forgot to transfer your saves to a Cartridge Backup the last time you played - and now you've lost everything, including all meaning to your life! A couple of weeks ago this happened to me for the hundredth time and I decided to do something about it! I usually am not a strong supporter of modding consoles but this time I set out to modify my Sega Saturn to use a non-volatile Avantage: la console conservera les sauvegardes pour au moins 45 ans. Plus besoin d'acheter des CR2032 qui claquent en 5 ans sans prévenir.
Inconvénient: la RTC de la Saturn ne pourra plus conserver l'heure et il faudra la rentrer manuellement à chaque démarrage.